Abdominal Binding, Belly Binding, Postpartum Belly Wrap, or Tummy Wrapping — in Singapore often called Bengkung after the Malay-Indonesian name — is a popular traditional treatment modality across Asia, traditionally used by women after childbirth in the postnatal period.
The treatment is very much used in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore, but also, for instance, in Hong Kong and Thailand, and increasingly across other parts of the world.

The idea of Abdominal Wrapping or Bengkung is to reduce swelling in the abdominal area, to reduce water retention, to help the uterus to reposition itself back at its correct location, and to support the lower back. In fact, it’s a restorative treatment aimed at recovery of a woman after childbirth. Nowadays, Bengkung is also offered simply as a general slimming treatment, not necessarily only for women in the postpartum period.
Abdominal Wrapping is usually done by a wrapping specialist — typically a midwife, Doula or traditional massage professional — after a postnatal Jamu Massage, which includes applying herbal pastes on the abdominal region, and usually done daily until the end of the postpartum confinement period. Nevertheless, a belly wrap can be used whenever one finds it necessary.
In any case, below then our selection of the Abdominal Bengkung Binding treatment providers we’ve spotted in Singapore.
Abdominal Binding in Singapore
Confinement Care Malaysia

Malaysia, Singapore
Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor, Singapore
House of Traditional Javanese Massage & Beauty Care

Malaysia, Singapore
Johor, Johor Bahru
My Bidan | Postnatal & Wellness

Malaysia, Singapore
Johor, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor, Singapore
Suraya Mothercare & Beauty

Malaysia, Singapore
Johor, Johor Bahru, Penang, Singapore
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