In Sanskrit (the ancient, sacred language of Hinduism), Ananda means “bliss” and Marga means “path,” and thus Ananda Marga is comprehensively translated as “The Path of Bliss.”

Ananda Marga Yoga (and the organization around it) was founded in 1955 by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921 – 1990), an Indian spiritual Guru, philosopher, and music composer. Ananda Marga is proposed as a way of personal development and transformation of society.
The system is based on Vedanta and Tantra philosophy and applies a range of Tantra Yoga techniques, including tools such as meditation, Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pranayama breathwork, Self-Massage, dance, and Kirtan (chanting usually accompanied by musical instruments).
The aim of Ananda Marga is happiness, a universal perspective of life, and Self-Realization (Spiritual Enlightenment) for the individual, and welfare for mankind.
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