Ase | Yoruba People and Life Force

 Published: May 6, 2022 | Revised: Jun 7, 2022

Ase | Yoruba People and Life Energy Force

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Ase, Ashe, Axe, or Ache is a philosophical, cosmological, and religious concept of the Yoruba people, which is conceived as a Sacred Power, Divine Energy, or Life Force that can change things or make things happen in the world i.e. universe. The Yoruba people are a West African ethnic group, which today inhabits parts of Nigeria, Benin, and Togo.

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It’s thought that Ase is given or supplied by Olodumare (the Almighty and Supreme Creator) to all that lives or exists, which include gods, ancestors, spirits, humans, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, but also songs, music, words, prayers, praises, or curses. In fact, without Ase, life is impossible.

Every person is born with a certain amount of Ase, which increases and decreases depending on the choices made in life. Ase is also said to be passed down to each generation, that is, the ancestors leave their Ase behind when they die and give this power to their descendants.

The Yoruba people also believe that someone can fully master Ase through training and dedication, someone who is then called a Alaase, and can use Ase Life Force to change things in the world or make things happen.

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