In this post, you’ll find an overview of Ayahuasca retreat and ceremony centers in Colombia, South America. Mind that Ayahuasca in Colombia is more commonly known as Yagé.
The Ayahuasca brew has become a popular traditional plant medicine among Westerners, sought-after for its healing abilities on the psychological and physical plane. It can cure physical illnesses and discomforts, but moreover — serve as a means for profound inner reflection, gaining deeper knowledge about yourself and your unconscious aspirations, acquiring more insight in the world around you, and spiritual growth.
Ayahuasca retreats typically involve consuming the Ayahuasca brew (or tea) during an Ayahuasca ceremony. This can be just a one-time occasion, but more commonly the ceremony will be repeated several times during your stay in the retreat center. It all depends on the goal of your stay and the time you spend in the retreat.

Apart from working with Ayahuasca, many retreat centers can also administer other traditional medicines, such as Rapé, Mapacho, Kambo Frog Medicine, Bufo Toad Medicine, and/or Peyote, to give some examples.
Longer retreats usually also include the option to participate in other activities and programs, such as Yoga classes, taking herbal baths or massage treatments, Breathwork, meditation sessions, and so on.
The Ayahuasca retreats offered in a center may be setup as three-day, five-day, or seven-day retreats, etc. or as a retreat that cover several weeks. Most of the time the retreat facilitator will ask you to prepare yourself psychologically and physically for the retreat, which includes a range of precautions to be taken into account, while abstaining from certain foods, drinks, and activities before, during, and after the retreat.
Depending on the Ayahuasca retreat center you will usually be able to join some sort of aftercare and integration program that helps you to digest the Ayahuasca experience. This can be a period of a week or so, or much longer, during which you can consult the facilitator even when you’re back home.
Below then a selection of the Ayahuasca retreat centers we’ve spotted in Colombia.
Ayahuasca Retreats in Colombia
Ancestral Knowledge™

Colombia, USA (United States)
Bethesda, Don Matías, Maryland
Céu Condor-Águia | Santo Daime Colombia

Medellin, Santa Elena
Circle of Sacred Nature

Colombia, Costa Rica
Londres, Puntarenas Province, Putumayo, Sibundoy
LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat

Antioquia, Fredonia, Vereda El Cinco
Origen Sagrada

Colombia, USA (United States)
Antioquia, Barbosa, California, Colorado, Connecticut
Soul Dreamers

Antioquia, Darién, Guarne, Paso de Mango, Sierra Nevada
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