Ayurvedic Nabhi Abdominal Massage | Navel Oiling

 Date Updated: Feb 9, 2025

Ayurvedic Nabhi Abdominal Massage | Navel Oiling

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Ayurvedic Abdominal Massage, also called Nabhi Abdominal Massage, is an non-invasive, external massage that addresses the reproductive and digestive organs. The Sanskrit word Nabhi translates as “wheel,” “center,” or “navel.” In India, the Nabhi is also called Tundi, which could mean “navel,” “belly,” or “abdomen,” depending on the context wherein the word is used.

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Nabhi Massage is done by stroking, rubbing, pushing, and tapping the navel and the area around it. An additional technique important in Nabhi Massage is pouring warm herbal and medicated oil or Ghee in and around the belly button. Because of the latter, the massage is sometimes also called Navel Oiling or Navel Therapy. You may also find this treatment mentioned as Nabhi Chikitsa, Nabhi Purana, or Nabhi Basti.

The types of oils used depend very much on what kind of discomfort or ailment is to be alleviated or cured, and choosing the right herbal oils is an art in itself, which takes into account one’s Dosha type.

The goal of Nabhi Abdominal Massage is to release blockages in the abdominal navel area in order to stimulate the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system, and the free flow of Vital Life Energy (Prana) as well as purify and balance our inner self.

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The navel area is considered of primordial importance in Ayurveda Medicine. It not only stands symbolically for the origin of life, but it’s also the location where the Life Energy Channels — the so-called Nadis — converge, and the location of the Solar Plexus Chakra, officially named the Manipura Chakra.

The Manipura Chakra is thought to guard metabolism and digestion, the process where food is converted into energy and action. On a more spiritual energetic level, this Chakra represents our action, will, vitality, our strength to change and transform, that is, our sense of personal power.

The health benefits of this massage include alleviation or healing of common digestive disorders (indigestion, gastritis, constipation, and diarrhea), of genital and reproductive dysfunctions, back pains, and emotional disorders. In addition, the massage stimulates and strengthens our immune system and helps with detoxifying the body.

The treatment can be done daily until the targeted health issues are resolved, or, in a light, less extensive form, as part of the daily Dinacharya routine.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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