Back to Suriname | eBook

Back to Suriname | Essays and ChroniclesAuthor: Marce Ferreira
Published: October 2022
Latest update: October 2022
Length: 61 pages
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Readability: device support
Formats: pdf, epub, mobi
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What is this eBook about?

In 1982, my family and I hastily left Suriname after the infamous December Murders. In the decades afterwards, I revisited the country four times: in 1996, 1997, 2011, and in 2012.

The essays and chronicles in this book reflect my thoughts and impressions with regard to my returns as an adult to Suriname, the country in which I grew up from 1972 to 1982.

As a whole, it was not a positive experience. The country didn’t improve, and in many ways it got worse. Nevertheless, for me it was a soul-cleansing experience, a kind of necessary closure.

Mind that Suriname was previously known as Dutch Guiana, It’s one of the three Guianas, located in South America. The other two Guianas are British Guiana (today called Guyana), and French Guiana (in French called La Guyane).

Suriname and Guyana today are independent, sovereign countries. La Guyane (French Guiana) is still an overseas department of France, and a de facto colony.

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