Climatotherapy | Relocation to a More Favorable Climatic Region

 Published: Jun 30, 2023 | Revised: Apr 25, 2024

Climatotherapy | Relocation to a More Favorable Climatic Region

Climatotherapy is about a temporary or permanent relocation to a region with a more favorable climate for a person who suffers (or recovers) from a health condition. Typically, it involves a retreat with a duration of a week or more, or alternatively an actual permanent move to another climate region.

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In some cases, Climatotherapy is used by people who suffer from weather pains, also called weather-related pains or Meteoropathy. For instance, it’s thought that conditions such as arthritis or limb injuries worsen in climates or weather with lots of changes in barometric pressure, in cold weather, or in climatic environments with high humidity.

Different levels or pressure of Oxygen, higher amounts of salt particles in the air (for example, nearby the sea), or plenty of Phytoncides (volatile antibacterial and antifungal plant compounds found in the air in and around forests), may also be a reason for relocation to another climatic region.

Some other examples: high-mountain Climatotherapy may be used for patients with neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or heart and circulatory diseases, but also for people who suffer from respiratory issues due to air pollution and allergies.

Climatotherapy in regions with elevated amounts of salt and sunlight may be recommended for patients that suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

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