Emotional and Sexual Body Dearmoring through Massage and Bodywork

 Published: May 28, 2020 | Revised: Mar 31, 2024

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De-Armoring Treatments and Bodywork | Dearmoring

Emotional and Sexual Body Dearmoring — also written De-Armoring or De-Armouring — through massage, bodywork, and Body-Oriented Psychotherapy is aimed at removing our Emotional Armor or Emotional Shield, that is, the emotional and subsequent physical protections in our bodies that hinder us to function wholly, spontaneously, and healthy on a sexual, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

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Although today a tool much used in Neo-Tantric practices and Somatic Sexology, such as in Genital Mapping, Tantric Sex, Tantra Massage, or Sexological Bodywork, the origins of emotional, sexual and trauma De-Armoring through somatic practices is a therapy developed by the Austrian psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich, which he called Vegetotherapy, and later in his life Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.

In any case, it’s thought that a Sexual-Emotional Armor obstructs us to fully express our manhood or womanhood. Thus, in practice, de-armoring is about releasing physical, mental, and psychological sexual blockages, and with that also actual physical pains and numbness in and around the anus, vagina, uterus, penis, testicles, clitoris, groin, prostate, abdominal and pelvic region, to name the most common areas or organs connected to sexual function.

Body Dearmoring is about clearing physical blockages and tensions built over years because of trauma, emotional pressure, and stress that emerged from one’s upbringing, one’s specific cultural society and mold, one’s working environment or from deeply damaging experiences such as sexual harassment and sexual abuse, gender issues, or prejudice, and such.

The actual practice of dearmoring work, which may consist of massage, bodywork, breathwork, and mental exercises, can lead to profound emotional and trauma release, a form of Catharsis that can express itself as laughter, screaming, crying, trembling, shaking, coughing, cursing, feeling cold or hot, and whatnot. That’s all nothing to worry about: in fact it’s a healthy cleansing process, a release of psychological and emotional tension stored in the body.

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As the mind reflects itself in the body and vice versa, it’s thought that by coping with (and subsequently releasing) disturbing emotions or trauma through psycho-physical work, one will be able to experience increased pleasure, more and better orgasms, or be able to control orgasms better, have a better sex-life, feel more free, to finally becoming a more whole, complete, and balanced person.

Thus, for instance, by manually stimulating areas of tightness, tension, contraction and pain with massage, pressure, and acupressure, men and women can release mental, emotional, and physical blockages. Of course, there’s also a whole lot of psychological work to be done, but by accepting that one can come to emotional and trauma release through physical treatments, being “open” for it, half of the work has already been done, so to say.

Some examples of bodywork modalities that support De-Armoring work are Karsai Nei Tsang, Chi Nei Tsang, Sexological Bodywork, Tantra Massage and Tantric Sex, certain types of Breathwork, Yoni Massage and Lingam Massage, Yoni Mapping, Yoni Wand application, Urut Batin, Juagen Manhood Massage, and Jabkasai Testicles Massage, just to name some of the popular massage and bodywork modalities that can come of help.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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