Dynamic Massage therapy, Harmonics, or Rocking Massage is based on gentle rocking, and repetitive, harmonic movements, stretches, and traction of different body parts. In fact, modalities such as Pulsing and Holistic Pulsing can be considered Dynamic or Rocking massages.

Dynamic Massage can consist of a Full Body Massage session, in which the complete treatment is carried out as one of continuous movement. It’s typically used as a therapeutic massage modality, but it can also be used as a tool within more general relaxation massages.
Pulsing or Rocking techniques can improve fluidity, flow, and continuity in massage sessions. One of the important therapeutic goals is to restore mobility, and to release the nervous system to be able to experience full relaxation of body and mind.
Although rocking and harmonic massages are sometimes brought as a new, modern massage treatment modality, dynamic techniques have been used throughout the centuries in a variety of traditional massage treatment modalities.
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