Hi, my name is Elissa. I love to travel and experience other cultures and I’m a heartfelt admirer of Thai Massage and Yoga.
During a backpacking tour across Europe I met Marce, with whom I later went to Thailand to teach English. From one came the other, and in 2018 we decided to create TraditionalBodywork.com as a platform and resource for Thai Massage and Reusi Dat Ton.
Professionally, I graduated as a historian, but I mainly work as an English teacher, photographer, and contributor to TraditionalBodywork.com.
For our website, I write articles and eBooks. In addition, I’m responsible for filming and editing the site’s Video Workshops.
In my free time, I like spending time in nature, notably occupying myself with hiking and hunting mushrooms. At home, I also give my time to gardening, which is another one of my passions.