Happy Ending Massage and Full Service Massage — which can be offered to both men and women — are typically Sensual Erotic Massage modalities that finish with the client obtaining sexual release and an orgasm. However, a Full Service Massage includes actual sexual intercourse which is absent in a Happy Ending.

Yet, sometimes, Full Service only means a Happy Ending, that is, an orgasm, without sexual intercourse, which comes about by a handjob, rubbing, cunnilingus, fingering, fellatio, or whatever is the case. In fact, the precise content of “full service” varies very much on the establishment or therapist, and on what’s legally allowed in a country or not.
Today, these types of massage offerings are often presented under cover-names such as Tantric Massage, Sensual Healing Massage, Nuru Massage, Sensual Oil Massage, Yoni Massage or Lingam Massage, and the like, depending on the legality of sex-work in a particular country or part of a country.
Names of regular sensual or erotic massages such as mentioned above — accompanied with prefixes such as “therapeutic,” “sacred,” or “healing” — may also be used as either a dissimulation of the real content of the offerings, or as a kind of “Clickbait” to make prospective clients think that there’s “much more” to the provider’s offerings than just sexual relief.
Nevertheless, we also need to acknowledge that there are rather thin lines between therapeutic genital healing work, sensual and erotic massage work, and straightforward sexual rub-downs, and sometimes the differences between modalities and offerings can be somewhat vague.
But let’s not forget that Happy Ending and Full Service massages also have a healing property — at the minimum level they can provide stress-relief and relaxation — and for that reason alone they already deserve their place among the total gamut of genital and sensual erotic massage treatments.
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