Gandhari Nadi – Trajectory, Location, and Function

 Date Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Gandhari Nadi - Trajectory, Indications, and Function

Gandhari Nadi is considered one of the fourteen principal Nadis, that is, it’s part of the set of fourteen most important Prana Energy Channels in Yoga.

According to the ancient Yoga sources we’ve researched, Gandhari Nadi is also known as Gandhaari, Ghandari, Gandahari, Gandharika, or Gandhara, and is mostly described as flowing beside (or at the side) and behind Ida Nadi supporting the left side of the body, while having its end-point in the left eye. Its starting point is in the Kanda (navel area).

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Mind, however, that there are also some classical Yoga sources that claim Gandhari Nadi ends in the right eye, although those are in the minority.

The complementary Nadi of Gandhari Nadi is said to be Hastijihva Nadi (they are often mentioned together as a pair), which allegedly (as for common consensus) also runs mainly at the left side of the body (note, however, that some sources mention that Hastijihva runs through the right leg).

An interesting circumstance about the name “Gandhari” is that it shows linguistic similarity with the Thai Sen Line Kalathari, which also carries alternative names like Kaniataree, Kanlataree, Kantaree, Galadhari, and even literally Gandhari. In effect, if we would take Gandhari Nadi and Hastijihva Nadi together (not as a pair, but as an integrated whole), we could imagine that they could partly reflect the Thai Sen Kalathari as for the left side of its trajectory.

Yet, it would be difficult i.e. speculation to assert the exact trajectory of Gandhari, because the ancient scriptures typically only give starting, intermediary and/or termination points of the Nadis. Nevertheless, one could, for instance, think of:

  • a direct pathway, running straight up from the Kanda traversing the left side of the body up to the left eye;
  • a pathway that starts in the Kanda, then descends along the inside of the left leg down to the left foot and toes, subsequently ascends at the outside of the left leg up to the hip, across the left side of the back or chest up to the head, while going over the left side of the head to the left eye (roughly such as with the Thai Energy Line Sen Sahatsarangsi);
  • as the above, but with additional extensions or branches to the left arm, hand, and fingers.

Trajectory of Gandhari Nadi

Gandhari Nadi - Trajectory Chart

To further clarify the chart displayed above, note that one finds several pathways described in the scriptures, such as:

  • Gandhari stands at the back of Ida (Darshana Upanishad);
  • Gandhari goes to the right eye (Darshana Upanishad);
  • Gandhari and Hastijihvika conduct through the eyes (Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati);
  • Gandhari goes from the back of Ida to the left eye (Shandilya Upanishad);
  • Gandhari and Hastijihva originate therefrom [Kanda] and proceed to the two eyes (Yoga Shikha Upanishad);
  • Gandhari stands in the left eye (Yoga Chudamani Upanishad);
  • Gandhari and Hasti-Jihva are the Nadis that stand at the front and rear side of Susumna Nadi and terminate at the left and right eyes (Tri Sikhi Brahmana Upanishad);
  • Gandhari is in the left eye (Goraksha Samhita);
  • Gandharika and Ibhajihva [Hastijihva] originating from Nabhicakra [Kanda], extend up to the end of the eyes (Hatha Tattva Kaumudi);
  • Gandhari is at the back of Ida and extends up to the left eye (Yoga Yajnavalkya);
  • Gandhari is behind Ida up to the left eye (Vasistha Samhita );
  • Gandhari is situated in the left and Hastajihva in the right eye (Shiva Swarodaya)
  • Gandhari, to Satyanandanatha, on the left eye (Bhavana Upanishad);
  • Hail to the left leg, Gandhari, the Sakti subjugating all (Bhavana Upanishad).

Below we’ve also added the chart of the Thai Sip Sen Energy Line called Sen Sahatsarangsi, which by some in the Thai Massage community is considered to be the equivalent of Gandhari Nadi.

Thai Sib Sen – Sen Sahatsarangsi Chart

Indications and Functions of Gandhari Nadi

Gandhari Nadi is said to regulate the function of sight, providing energy to the left eye.

It’s generally thought that Gandhari Nadi has many similar functions as Ida Nadi, likewise providing energy to the left side of the body, as such being a supporting Nadi for Ida Nadi.

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