Healing Shiatsu is a style of Shiatsu Therapy developed by Sonia Moriceau, a former student of Shiatsu Master Wataru Ohashi, who was the creator of Ohashiatsu. Sonia was also proficient in Mindfulness Meditation practices, which strongly guided her approach to Shiatsu.
In fact, Healing Shiatsu deeply integrates Mindfulness Meditation and Shiatsu, and emphasis certain qualities or principles in the Shiatsu practitioner to be successful as a therapist.
These qualities include: cultivating an awareness of the body in terms of posture, breathing and energy movements, training the body and taming the mind, and liberating the mind (ego-less approach).
Sonia’s idea was that following the above mentioned principles, the therapist can listen completely to the body of the receiver, let Ki Life Energy flow, and render a deep state of relaxation for the receiver in which physical and psychological healing can occur.
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