Health Benefits of Karsai Nei Tsang Genital Detox Massage

 Date Updated: Sep 1, 2024

Health Benefits of Karzai Nei Tsang Genital Detox Massage

Karsai Nei Tsang is a traditional form of therapeutic genital healing and detoxification massage (also called Genital Organs Detox Massage) originating and exercised in Thailand and applied for both men and women. Karsai was popularized by Master Mantak Chia, who integrated the practice in his Universal Healing Tao System (UHT).

The healing modality is closely related to Chi Nei Tsang, which is a therapeutic healing massage for the abdominal area and internal organs. In fact, Karsai Nei Tsang is a specialization of Chi Nei Tsang with a more precise focus on the genital organs.

Karsai — also written as Karzai — means “sedimentation in the veins” and Nei Tsang means “working on or transforming the internal organs.”

Aims and Benefits of Karzai Massage

The goal of a Karsai treatment is to cleanse, stimulate, and heal the genital and reproductive system by dissolving sediment clogging in the blood vessels (crystal like sedimentation, toxins, and fat deposits) and releasing tensions and blockages in the genital system.

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Blockages can cause organs to malfunction, notably the kidneys, bladder, liver, spleen, pancreas, lungs, prostate gland, testicles, ovaries, uterus, and vagina.

The result of cleansing the genital system is improvement of the blood circulation in the body and specifically blood flow into the genitals and genital area, which benefits functions such as sexual arousal, sexual vitality, and balanced hormonal release, with the latter specifically stimulating the sexual and reproductive capacity and functions.

Karsai Nei Tsang becomes particularly important for men and women over forty (when blockages and sedimentations start to happen more frequently), and for anyone in general who feels sexually blocked or has fertility issues.

On the whole, one could say that Karsai Nei Tsang aims at resolving health issues associated with the sexual organs and sexuality, such as premature ejaculation, problems having or maintaining an erection, fertility problems, prostate problems, menopause discomforts, ovarian cysts, menstrual disorders, painful sexual intercourse, scar tissue in the genital region, and low sexual libido.

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On an emotional level it’s obvious that an improved sex life, whether connected to reproduction or perhaps rather to sensuality and eroticism, results in significant stress relief and a better, happier, and balanced person.

As with Chi Nei Tsang, the reduction of muscle tension, body tissue adhesions, knots, tangles, and twists in the abdominal and pelvic cavity may release old trauma (sexual or otherwise) that was bound into cell-tissue, which is a form of Body De-Armoring.

In addition, Karsai Genital Massage is said to alleviate low back, abdominal, and pelvic pains, resolve issues of frequent and/or difficult urination, stimulate a better memory, while improving body alignment, strengthening the pelvic floor, overall resulting in a better general vitality and fitness.

Karsai Massage Sessions

Typically, a Karsai Nei Tsang session is preceded by a Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal massage treatment, slowly moving in deeper into the genital area. In fact, Mantak Chia, the founder of Karsai Nei Tsang, claimed that one can only become a first-rate Karsai therapist with years of extensive preceding training and practical experience in Chi Nei Tsang.

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The treatment can engage in only external work with the groin, abdominal area, and lymphatic glands, but can also include internal work. This counts for both men and woman. For women sometimes treatment in the interior of the vagina and rectum is done. For men work is done on the prostate and on the testicles and scrotum. Work is also done on the perineum and around the anus.

In any case, the treatment internally should be done hygienically with surgical gloves. Perhaps needless to say that Karsai is not a Sensual Erotic Massage, and moreover, it can sometimes be painful. Note also that the treatment may bring up unpleasant past memories and feelings.

Nevertheless, a Karsai session may lead to sexual arousal and even provoke an orgasm or ejaculation, which is fully accepted if it happens during the treatment and nothing to be ashamed of.

General contraindications for the Karsai treatment are an active menstruation, recent surgery, a cardiac pace maker, pregnancy, alcohol intoxication, fever, or an active cancer.

As with Chi Nei Tsang treatments, it’s also advised not to eat two to three hours before the session (drinking is no problem) and to empty the bladder and bowels if possible.

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