Holistic Pulsing is a massage treatment modality developed in the 1980s by Tovi Browning, an Osteopath and Naturopath.

The treatment draws from Osteopathy as well as from other therapeutic bodywork modalities such as Tragerwork, Feldenkrais, Bowen Technique, Rolfing, Alexander Technique, Hellerwork, and from teachers such as Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, and Curtis Turchin.
In a massage treatment session, the therapist would typically use gentle rocking, stretching, and opening movements to improve the body’s circulatory system. This stimulates the flow of bodily fluids and internal energy, and supports the release of tensions and blockages caused by injury, trauma, or habitual emotionally induced holding patterns and stress.
At any rate, you can learn more about the principles behind Holistic Pulsing in our post about Pulsing.
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