Humming Bird Experience while Watering the Plants

 Published: Jan 14, 2024 | Revised: May 2, 2024

Humming Bird Enjoying Water

Humming birds, also called Kolibris, have always fascinated me. I grew up with them in South America. They have such beautiful colors, there are so many species, and I like their helicopter-ability and funny buzzing helicopter sound. They are very friendly little animals too.

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Today, I had the most wonderful, humbling humming bird experience. It was a very hot day, over 32 degrees Celsius here in the mountains, which then really feels like very, very hot with this burning, bright sun on you. It’s a dry heat … tough.

So, at the end of the day I needed to water the plants and our vegetable garden, which I do with a garden hose. I then put the hose a bit in wide-spray mode not to hurt the plants, you know.

Just doing my thing there, one of sudden a humming bird flew by and stayed put, hovering close to my garden hose water jet spray, just about 30 cm from my hand.

She — if I may call it a she — stayed horizontally and steady (helicopter mode) and repeatedly dipped her head in the ray of water to drink and cool-off. Then she went way and back through the jet of water simply bathing herself. I understood that she was looking for refreshment, just like I was the entire day.

There she was, really just two hands length away from me … and it went on for minutes and minutes — drinking and bathing. In addition, she left two times and after a while came back doing the same thing while you could see her watching me with her beautiful little eyes.

Just so incredibly amazing. I was rendered speechless, feeling soft inside, simply melting of such a nearness, trust, and communion.

My God, Nature is so beautiful, so sacred; these kinds of encounters just make your day. It was a nasty-hot day, but it ended in this little-big pleasure. Still seeing it, feeling it, thinking about it; what a nice, pleasant experience that was.

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