I AM Yoga® | Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga

 Published: Dec 9, 2021 | Revised: Apr 6, 2024

I AM Yoga® | Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga

I AM Yoga®, an acronym for Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga, was created by the Yoga Guru Amrit Desai (born 1932).

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This Yoga modality is an interpretation of ancient Yoga knowledge (rooted in Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga) as revealed to Desai by Swami Kripalu, aka Kripalvananda, a renowned master of Kundalini Yoga.

I AM Yoga® takes this traditional Yoga lineage and adapts it to the Western mind, making it more accessible and relevant to Western students. The modality combines the meditation aspect of Yoga with a Hatha Yoga practice, making it a spiritual as well as physical practice.

In an I AM Yoga® class the Asanas (Yoga poses) are a tool to develop not only physical flexibility and strength, but also to discover and explore one’s inner life and true self, helping students to dissolve hidden inhibitions and harmful mental patterns.

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The physical practice of I AM Yoga makes Prana (Vital Life Energy) circulate through the body, creating what is known as Nadi Shuddhi, a cleansing of the Nadi Energy Channels through which Prana flows. This cleansing of the body and mind helps one to reach higher levels of awareness in all aspects of life.

Currently the Amrit Yoga Institute, located in Florida, offers programs and trainings of different Integrative Amrit Methods, such as I AM Yoga®, I AM Yoga Nidra™, I AM Yoga Therapy™ and Spiritual Lifestyle Training.

The I AM methods are focused on teaching students how to be totally present and become whole, being designed to bring about self-balance and self-healing.

Amrit Desai is a pioneer of Yoga in the West and also known for creating the Kripalu Yoga modality and the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, among other Yoga and health centers in the US.

by TraditionalBodywork.com
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