Maha Mudra, Orgasm Control, and Semen Retention

 Published: Oct 1, 2022 | Revised: Jan 19, 2024

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Maha Mudra, Orgasm Control, and Semen Retention

Maha Mudra (Mahamudra or the Great Mudra) as practiced in Hatha Yoga is a Mudra that primarily aims at controlling and cultivating sexual and life force energy for spiritual purposes. Maha Mudra is also called Tri-Bandha or Maha Bandha (i.e. the Great Lock).

The Mudra is practiced by simultaneously, that is, consecutively carrying out three Bandhas: Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha.

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The ultimate goal of Maha Mudra is to work with Prana Vital Energy and awaken Kundalini Energy to rise through the Chakras. Nevertheless, the Mudra engages heavily with the abdominal and pelvic region and as such also boasts a range of physical health benefits, like realignment, strengthening, cleansing, and toning of the pelvic and abdominal organs and functions.

As for the physical spectrum, Maha Mudra encourages the healthy function of internal organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, stomach, gall bladder, intestines, spleen, liver, and the reproductive organs. This Mudra greatly stimulates the blood circulation and immune system, and may also alleviate or cure conditions such as indigestion, stomach aches, colic, abdominal cramps, constipation, and piles.

On the mental and spiritual plane, Maha Mudra brings about balance of the mind, relief from stress and anxiety, promotes calmness, improvement of the meditation practice and concentration, improvement of memory, and optimization of the nervous system.

Specific health benefits for men include promoting prostate health, and increased ejaculation and orgasm control.

How to Do Maha Mudra?

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Maha Mudra is practiced seated on the floor. Mind that there are many, many variations of this Mudra (you can easily find those on the Internet). As such it goes beyond the scope of this post to expound all the exercises or techniques involved.

Nevertheless, a rather base practice involves the following: sit on the floor with one leg stretched. While breathing in, the other leg is slowly folded until the heel presses firmly against the perineum. Breathe out, and slowly bend forward to hold the big toe of the outstretched leg with both hands. The head is then raised upwards, with the gaze fixed between the eyebrows.

Subsequently, one breathes in and holds the breath while performing Mula Bandha, followed by the Uddiyana Bandha (by still holding the breath and pulling the navel deeply in). Afterwards one engages in Jalandhara Bandha (the so-called Throat Lock) and stays in this position as long as it’s doable and comfortable.

The idea is to repeat the Mudra with the other leg folded. The whole session (alternating legs) can be repeated several times.

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