Mongolian Traditional Massage

 Published: Apr 4, 2021 | Revised: Feb 17, 2023

Mongolian Traditional Massage

The Mongols have developed a healing system that has been formed through a variety of influences and knowledge, such as Chinese, Korean, Tibetan, Indian, Uighur, and Islamic medical practices.

They added their own experiences and knowledge through what they encountered by their Nomadic lifestyle, sometimes creating even more advanced healing systems than those they were influenced by, such as their famous art of bone setting.

Mongolian Traditional Massage is generally a full body massage treatment which, depending on needs of the receiver, may use a broad variety of elements such as hot stones, herbal compresses, warm milk (yak milk) herbal oils, and shamanic practices and ceremonies.

The general goal of a Mongolian massage is to clear energy blockages and to induce deep relaxation, happiness and well-being. The massage typically increases blood and lymph circulation, helps with detoxification, stimulates the nervous system, and benefits the skin.

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