Orgasm and Ejaculation Control in Tantra and Taoism

 Date Updated: Jun 1, 2024

Man's hand pulling sheet during orgasm

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Orgasm Control considered from out a Tantric and Taoist perspective (both philosophies maintain the same concept about it), is practiced in order to stimulate and raise internal sexual energy levels to attain physical and emotional health benefits, higher levels of consciousness, personal growth and health, including spiritual enlightenment, spiritual union, and divine bliss.

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The core idea of Orgasm Control is that sexual energy is mostly concentrated in reproductive fluids, in the case of men, his semen. Thus, if a man — during sexual intercourse or masturbation — can control ejaculating, he can become Multi-Orgasmic, and will avoid losing sexual energy. By the way, female orgasms are thought not to result in loss of sexual energy.

But it doesn’t stop there. It’s about controlling and redirecting this contained sexual energy (thought to be the primordial creative energy) across the body, from the lower Chakras to higher Chakras. In fact, this process (or sexual alchemy) is about awakening Kundalini Energy.

According to Taoist teachings, one needs to move sexual energy through the so-called Dantian, energy centers in the body which can be seen as having similar functionality as the Indian Chakras. The Dantian are said to be special energy concentrations where Jing, Qi and Shen energy essences are stored and transformed subsequently, which result in regenerative capacity, health, longevity, spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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Apart from the final goal of attaining divine bliss and spiritual enlightenment (when we consider Orgasm Control as a spiritual practice), the fact of circulating sexual Kundalini Energy through the body can have healing effects because it unblocks (or opens) the energy centers and energy channels, and with that, releases tensions on both a physical and emotional level, and moreover, stimulates optimal functioning of the human body and mind.

Tantra and Taoism teach a variety of techniques, such as Mudras and Bandhas, Meditation, Yoga Asanas, Breathwork, and other types of exercises that can be used to control ejaculation. In fact, certain muscles in the pelvic region are involved in the ejaculation process and by identifying these muscles and controlling them, one can control orgasms.

But also specific massages, such as Tantra Massage, Taoist Massage, and Prostate Massage can be applied to help making Orgasm Control easier to achieve.

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