Penis Massage versus Lingam Massage | Is There a Difference?

 Published: Aug 4, 2024

India - erotic statue of Tantric Lingam Massage

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Tantric Lingam Massage is often equated with Penis Massage (or Penile Massage), and although there are a few similarities between the one or the other, you’ll find that there are actually quite some important differences .

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One of the reasons why Lingam Massage is seen as a synonym of Penis Massage is the meaning of the Sanskrit word Lingam. In fact, Linga, Lingham, or Lingam can mean an incredible variety of things, which includes characteristic, sign, mark, or token (of God), spot or stain, base, conclusion, phallus, lustful, merging, gender (either male or female), the male sexual organ, among many other things.

However, in the past decades in the West, the word Lingam has become increasingly associated with its meaning as “penis.” This has much to do with the renewed interest in Tantra (Neo-Tantra) and its implied union of Shiva and Shakti, the symbolism of Shiva Linga and Shakti Yoni, and the rise of Tantric Bodywork, notably that of so-called Tantra Massage i.e. Lingam Massage or Yoni Massage.

Now, it’s true that Lingam Massage involves massaging the penis. Nevertheless, treating the penis is just a small part of a Lingam Massage session, which is actually a Full Body Tantric Massage (usually carried out with warm oils) that works with all body parts including the male erogenous zones and the genitals. Moreover, a Lingam Massage session often includes more than only massage; it’s not uncommon that it’s surrounded with a range of Tantric rituals and ceremonies.

Penis Massage, however, typically only works with the penis, which can have a therapeutic aim or rather a pleasurable sensual-erotic focus, sometimes just being a so-called Handjob with Happy Ending. Nevertheless, although it can be carried out as a standalone treatment (performed alone or done by a massage therapist), it will often be part of a broader massage modality, such as Urut Batin Manhood Massage or Juagen Manhood Massage, and indeed — also of Lingam Massage.

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Another important difference between the two is that Lingam Massage often also has an explicit spiritual aim, which is connected to the Tantric ideas of Non-Duality, awakening of Kundalini Energy, and the Divine Union of Shiva and Shakti.

Nonetheless, both Lingam Massage and Penis Massage may have a strong therapeutic goal, which may be aimed at resolving (physical or emotional) genital and sexual dysfunctions and/or sexual trauma, making both modalities likewise a tool for so-called Sexual De-Armouring or Genital De-Armouring (also written as De-Armoring or Dearmoring).

Then again, both modalities may also be solely aimed at sensual erotic pleasure, although Lingam Massage would then rather involve a pleasurable whole-body and whole-mind “orgastic experience,” while a Penile Massage would typically go for a more limited penile orgasm in which the pleasure experience is more focused on immediate sexual relief or sexual release.

At any rate, in conclusion we could say that Penis Massage makes part of Lingam Massage, but in the latter case generally as an embedded part of a broader, sexual-spiritual manhood experience that aims at physical, emotional-mental, and spiritual healing using a holistic approach.

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