The perineum is the space between the anus and scrotum for men and between the anus and the vulva for women. It’s likewise the area to massage the male prostate externally or to prepare for an internal Prostate Massage.

In the perineum area you’ll find the external G-Spot for men (the P-Spot). The internal G-Spot is the prostate (gland) itself. In fact, the perineum contains an important acupressure point that can be pressed and massaged with the pad of a finger or with a device. It’s located between the scrotum and anus, but as sizes of the perineal area vary you will actually need to try and find it yourself.
You can press quite deeply on the perineal G-Spot point (a firm spot in the perineum area), but always keep it gentle. Apart from giving pleasurable feelings when pressed or using it to massage the prostate externally, it’s also the point that can be used to control ejaculations.
As for the latter, pressing the external male G-Spot can be carried out as a technique to prevent Premature Ejaculation (PE) or retain semen. Mind that the “perineum press” is an ancient Ejaculation Control technique, already advocated in Tantric Sex and the Taoist Sexual Practices.
The technique is carried out by pressing strongly on the perineum spot (without hurting yourself) just before the moment of ejaculation arrives. Doing so blocks semen from escaping through the penis (it compresses the urethra and muscles around where your ejaculate), which instead is then redirected into the bladder. The semen may then be absorbed by the bloodstream to be broken down, or it is simply urinated out.

Mind that you need to keep pressing after the climax until every muscle in your body relaxes, otherwise you may have some leakage.
Nevertheless, within the Taoist Sexual Practices it’s claimed that semen should not be redirected to the bladder — the so-called Retrograde Ejaculation — but only up to the prostate to reap the health benefits. From there, sperm would travel further to the head and nourish the brain, or the vital energy in the sperm is contained in the body for “other health purposes.”
Unfortunately the Taoist literature gives no further guidelines on how to do one or the other then through “experience.” Then again, if your next urination is clear and not cloudy (from semen), it would mean you succeeded to redirect semen to the prostate (and not to the urinary bladder).
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