Postnatal Yoga | Restorative Exercises after Childbirth

 Published: Mar 16, 2022 | Revised: Jan 24, 2024

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The body of a mother after childbirth needs replenishment. After delivery, most women are exhausted and need lots of rest. Body and mind need replenishment and a recovery period.

In Asia, physical exercises are generally not advised during the postnatal confinement period (typically a period of about 40 days), but after that they are seen as very beneficial to support the mother to get her body back to the pre-pregnancy state.

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Yoga is one of the means to support postnatal recovery, and is in fact a type of Restorative Yoga. It can help loosen up tight muscles, release tension, calm the nerves and mind, and replenish and rebuild pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.

Some Yoga poses (Asanas) recommended are Child’s Pose, Navasana Pose, Warrior Poses, Locust Pose, Camel Pose, Rabbit Pose, and Bridge Poses.

On the other hand, certain Yoga poses are not recommended if a mother is still recovering. Think of avoiding the Cobra Pose, Spinal Twists, Malasana Pose, Cat and Cow Poses, Bow Pose, Splits, Inversions (Like shoulder stand).

In any case, when starting Yoga after childbirth, it’s advised to get a medical okay from a physician, and engage with a competent Postnatal Yoga teacher.

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