Holotropic Breathwork Explained | Activating the Inner Healer
Holotropic Breathwork Explained | Activating the Inner Healer
Holotropic Breathwork was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s, and is based on the idea that its breathing techniques and accompany [ ... ]
Breathwork Classes, Sessions, and Training – How Does it Work?
Breathwork Classes, Sessions, and Training – How Does it Work?
Breathwork has become a popular bodywork modality to help alleviate stress and anxiety, combat physical pains, heal or reduce traumas and depression, [ ... ]
Abdominal Breathing | Technique and Health Benefits
Abdominal Breathing | Technique and Health Benefits
Abdominal Breathing is also called Diaphragmatic Breathing or Belly Breathing. In this post, we take a look at what it means when we practice a delibe [ ... ]
What Is Rebirthing Breathwork? | Techniques and Health Benefits
What Is Rebirthing Breathwork? | Techniques and Health Benefits
Rebirthing Breathwork aka Therapeutic Conscious Connected Breathing or Conscious Energy Breathing was developed in the 1970s by Leonard D. Orr. A fund [ ... ]
What Is Shamanic Breathwork? | Aims, Techniques, and Health Benefits
What Is Shamanic Breathwork? | Aims, Techniques, and Health Benefits
Shamanic Breathwork is about awakening and connecting to your “inner Shaman,” your inner healer, that is, it’s foremost a self-heali [ ... ]
Bioenergetic Analysis | Techniques and Benefits of Mind-Body Psychotherapy
Bioenergetic Analysis | Techniques and Benefits of Mind-Body Psychotherapy
Bioenergetics is a term used in the field of biochemistry and cell biology relating to the energy flow through living systems. The primary aim of Bioe [ ... ]
What Is Reichian Breathwork?
What Is Reichian Breathwork?
Reichian Breathwork was developed by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychotherapist and the creator of Vegetotherapy. Reich is considered the forerunn [ ... ]
Breathing Exercises For People With Depression And Anxiety To Practice Every Day
Breathing Exercises For People With Depression And Anxiety To Practice Every Day
Is your mind always racing, and you never feel restful or relaxed? Even basic tasks can seem insurmountable. But there are things you can do to ease y [ ... ]
Kapalabhati Breathing Technique, Tantra, and Ejaculatory Control | Breath of Fire
Kapalabhati Breathing Technique, Tantra, and Ejaculatory Control | Breath of Fire
Kapalabhati breathing (also written Kapalbhati), synonymously called the Breath of Fire exercise, is one of the Shatkarmas, the latter being a set of [ ... ]
Breathwork | Conscious Breath Control and Circulating Life Force
Breathwork | Conscious Breath Control and Circulating Life Force
Breathwork (also written Breath Work) as a distinct wellness, healing, and self-improvement modality arose in the late 1960s. It consists of breathing [ ... ]