Psilocybin, Fungi, and Magic Mushrooms
Psilocybin, Fungi, and Magic Mushrooms
Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound that can be found in a large range of fungi species, such as yeasts, molds, mushrooms, and so [ ... ]
San Pedro Cactus | Huachuma Traditional Medicine
San Pedro Cactus | Huachuma Traditional Medicine
The San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi), also called Huachuma or Wachuma, is a native cactus species from the South American Andes Mountains used i [ ... ]
Rapé Snuff | Ritually Blowing or Inhaling Tobacco through the Nose
Rapé Snuff | Ritually Blowing or Inhaling Tobacco through the Nose
Traditional Rapé snuff is a preparation made from either the leaves of the common tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum) or from Mapacho tobacco (Nicotian [ ... ]
Cacao Ceremony Explained | Aim and Health Benefits
Cacao Ceremony Explained | Aim and Health Benefits
Cacao plant medicine and Cacao ceremonies have emerged from the traditional use of Cacao, which is derived from the Cocoa bean seeds from the Theobrom [ ... ]
Bufo Alvarius Toad Medicine | Aims of Use and Benefits
Bufo Alvarius Toad Medicine | Aims of Use and Benefits
Bufo alvarius (aka Incilius alvarius, Colorado River toad, or Sapo Grande) is a Bufo toad species from Northern America that produces Bufotoxin, which [ ... ]
Kambo Medicine Explained | Frog Vaccine Health Benefits
Kambo Medicine Explained | Frog Vaccine Health Benefits
Kambo, also known as Frog vaccine or Vacina do sapo (the Brazilian Portuguese name), consists of the poisonous secretions of the skin of the Kambo, th [ ... ]
Mapacho | Ritual and Ceremonial Use of Tobacco
Mapacho | Ritual and Ceremonial Use of Tobacco
Mapacho is the South American name for the tobacco plant Nicotiana rustica, which is typically found in rainforests. It’s sometimes also called [ ... ]
What Is Shamanism? | Characteristics, Function, and Benefits
What Is Shamanism? | Characteristics, Function, and Benefits
Shamanism involves either a religious or secular practice in which a traditional folk healer or folk practitioner — typically called a Shaman &# [ ... ]
What Is the Closing of the Bones Ritual? | Postpartum Treatment
What Is the Closing of the Bones Ritual? | Postpartum Treatment
The Closing of the Bones ceremony, also called the Bone Closing Ceremony, or simply Closing the Bones, is a multi-faceted traditional postpartum pract [ ... ]
Mal de Ojo and Curanderismo | Evil Eye
Mal de Ojo and Curanderismo | Evil Eye
The idea of the “Evil Eye,” which is the translation of the Spanish Mal de Ojo or Mal Ojo, is a belief (or superstition, if you like) that a curse [ ... ]