Reichian Therapy | Muscular De-Armoring, Somatics, and Talk Therapy
Reichian Therapy | Muscular De-Armoring, Somatics, and Talk Therapy
Reichian Therapy is a common denominator (i.e. umbrella term) for a range of therapeutic treatment modalities that were developed or predominantly ins [ ... ]
De-Armoring Techniques and Aims for the Face and Head
De-Armoring Techniques and Aims for the Face and Head
The face is said to be the mirror of the soul. It’s one of our primary ways to connect to the world and other people. But as it is, it’s also the [ ... ]
Gaia Method | Multidisciplinary De-Armoring Therapeutic Treatment Modality
Gaia Method | Multidisciplinary De-Armoring Therapeutic Treatment Modality
The Gaia Method is a holistic body-oriented treatment modality developed by Susanne Roursgaard that works with soft De-Armoring, energy work, breath, [ ... ]
De-Armoring and the Use of Convulsions | Somatic Therapy
De-Armoring and the Use of Convulsions | Somatic Therapy
Convulsions — usually associated with epileptic seizures — are conditions in which muscles continue to rapidly contract and relax quickly, [ ... ]
Shamanic De-Armoring | Concepts, Aims, and Techniques
Shamanic De-Armoring | Concepts, Aims, and Techniques
Shamanic De-Armoring is not just one particular De-Armoring modality (although some providers use that term to define their work) but a range of De-Ar [ ... ]
Sex-Positive Therapy, Massage, and Bodywork | Sexual, Genital, and Trauma-Informed Practices
Sex-Positive Therapy, Massage, and Bodywork | Sexual, Genital, and Trauma-Informed Practices
Before we look at what’s involved in sex-positive therapy, massage, and bodywork, we’ll first briefly discuss the phenomenon of sex-positi [ ... ]
Simulation and Roleplay in De-Armoring and Somatic Practices
Simulation and Roleplay in De-Armoring and Somatic Practices
Simulation and roleplay used as a technique in De-Armoring can be a means to induce subconscious and/or unconscious emotions or trauma to surge fully [ ... ]
Belly2Belly, Tantra, and Trauma Healing
Belly2Belly, Tantra, and Trauma Healing
Belly2Belly was created by David Cates, a Tantra teacher, trauma and sexual healer who devoted his practice to exploring sex, intimacy, and connection [ ... ]
Jaw De-Armoring | Armor Symptoms and Release Techniques
Jaw De-Armoring | Armor Symptoms and Release Techniques
When people experience stress, anxiety, anger, or are not being able to speak out or express themselves and feel restrained, it’s very common that t [ ... ]
Chest De-Armoring | Techniques to Open-Up the Pectoral Area
Chest De-Armoring | Techniques to Open-Up the Pectoral Area
In this article, we discuss the symptoms of an armored chest and the techniques that are commonly used to De-Armor the area. The chest is a location o [ ... ]