Conversion Therapy for LGBTQ+ Folks
Conversion Therapy for LGBTQ+ Folks
Conversion Therapy is the (mostly outdated) practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation, romantic orientation, gender identity, o [ ... ]
LGBTQ+ Massage and Bodywork Therapist | Advantage and Disadvantage
LGBTQ+ Massage and Bodywork Therapist | Advantage and Disadvantage
A topic that still receives little attention is that of the massage or bodywork therapist who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Just lik [ ... ]
Social Impact of Surging Conservatism on Massage and Bodywork Practices
Social Impact of Surging Conservatism on Massage and Bodywork Practices
We can easily observe that, especially in the past five to ten years, radical conservatism has been very strongly on the rise. It happens literally ev [ ... ]
LGBTQ Friendly Bodywork versus LGBTQ Bodywork | What’s the Difference?
LGBTQ Friendly Bodywork versus LGBTQ Bodywork | What’s the Difference?
When you look for massage therapy and other bodywork treatments that are tailored to individuals that identify with the LGBTQ+ community, you will oft [ ... ]
LGBTQ+ Mini Dictionary | Common Terms and Labels
LGBTQ+ Mini Dictionary | Common Terms and Labels
We’ve created this LGBTQ+ Mini-Dictionary for those who may not be entirely familiar with the terminology and labels used in an LGBTQ+ context, and [ ... ]
Nonsurgical Gender Affirming Practices Explained
Nonsurgical Gender Affirming Practices Explained
Gender Affirmation typically refers to the process transgender, non-binary, or gender diverse individuals go through when they start to live as their [ ... ]
Gender Affirming Voice Care as a Transitioning Practice
Gender Affirming Voice Care as a Transitioning Practice
Voice Therapy, Voice Training, or Speech Therapy is about improving or modifying the human voice. It can be used by all people, for different reasons, [ ... ]
LGBT Healthcare | Affirmative and Trauma-Informed Practices
LGBT Healthcare | Affirmative and Trauma-Informed Practices
LGBTQ+ Healthcare involves physical and mental healthcare such as given to anyone else, but in addition takes into account that there are specific dom [ ... ]
Padding as a Gender Identity Affirming Practice
Padding as a Gender Identity Affirming Practice
Apart from surgical options or alternatively Hormone Replacement Therapy to create larger breasts, hips and/or buttocks, padding is a nonsurgical, che [ ... ]
Dance Movement Therapy | DMT Explained
Dance Movement Therapy | DMT Explained
Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) is the use of dance and movement as a somatic therapeutic tool, based on the idea that the body and the mind are insepara [ ... ]