Painful Intercourse and Massage Therapy | Dyspareunia
Painful Intercourse and Massage Therapy | Dyspareunia
Painful intercourse, officially called Dyspareunia, can have many causes, both physical and psychological, but it’s clear that it can inhibit both f [ ... ]
Remedial Massage Therapy | Treatment Aims and Health Benefits
Remedial Massage Therapy | Treatment Aims and Health Benefits
In medical terms, the word remedial means “giving or intended as a remedy or cure.” In fact, this is exactly what is meant by Remedial Massage: it [ ... ]
Aquatic Massages | Water Massage
Aquatic Massages | Water Massage
Aquatic Massage therapy (also called Pool Massage or Water Massage) takes place in water in a (swimming) pool, and is typically a gentle massage thera [ ... ]
Ayurvedic Ear Massage and Oiling | Karna Purana
Ayurvedic Ear Massage and Oiling | Karna Purana
Karna Purana or Karna Pratisaranam is an Ayurvedic ear oiling treatment, which also includes a gentle massage of the ears, that is, massage of the ear [ ... ]
Yomassage® | Combining Massage and Yoga
Yomassage® | Combining Massage and Yoga
Combining Yoga and Massage is an ancient, traditional practice, perhaps Thai Yoga Massage being the best known example of a treatment that integrates [ ... ]
Pelvic Release Massage | Abdominal Therapy
Pelvic Release Massage | Abdominal Therapy
A Pelvic Release Massage uses techniques to release tensions and pains in the pelvic area i.e. pelvic floor. These are specialized types of abdominal [ ... ]
Yogassage | Combining Massage Therapy and Yoga
Yogassage | Combining Massage Therapy and Yoga
The origins of modern Yogassage are unclear, but rather similar modalities are not uncommon. Think, for instance, of massage therapies such as Thai Yo [ ... ]
Lauren Berry Method® of Corrective Massage
Lauren Berry Method® of Corrective Massage
The Lauren Berry Method®, or in short, the Berry Method® or Berrywork, was developed by an American named Lauren Berry. It is a corrective technique [ ... ]
Urut Weteng Abdominal Massage | Indonesia
Urut Weteng Abdominal Massage | Indonesia
Urut Weteng is a Malaysian-Indonesian abdominal massage modality. Urut is Malay for “Massage,” and Weteng means “Stomach” or & [ ... ]
Traditional Scraping Massage Techniques | Spooning
Traditional Scraping Massage Techniques | Spooning
Scraping is a traditional massage technique applied by firmly rubbing or scraping the skin in either short or long strokes with use of a scraping tool [ ... ]