Fertility Doula – Tasks and Aims in the Preconception Period
Fertility Doula – Tasks and Aims in the Preconception Period
A Fertility Doula (sometimes also called Holistic Fertility Doula or Preconception Doula) is a trained non-medical professional who aims at supporting [ ... ]
Abortion Doula | Aims, Tasks, and Professional Risks
Abortion Doula | Aims, Tasks, and Professional Risks
An Abortion Doula provides informational, practical, physical, mental, emotional, gender-affirming, and trauma-informed support to women (or to those [ ... ]
Pregnancy and Postpartum Assessment in Massage Therapy
Pregnancy and Postpartum Assessment in Massage Therapy
Pregnant women and those who are in their postpartum period (the latter also called postnatal period) are certainly not ill but they may have specific [ ... ]
Lullaby | Cultural and Therapeutic Value For Children
Lullaby | Cultural and Therapeutic Value For Children
The use of lullabies — also called cradle songs or nursery rhymes — is a very interesting phenomenon, a custom practiced around the world [ ... ]
Lamaze | Techniques for Natural and Painless Childbirth
Lamaze | Techniques for Natural and Painless Childbirth
The Lamaze Technique, also known as the Psychoprophylactic Method, was developed by the obstetrician Dr. Fernand Lamaze. The technique is based on his [ ... ]
What Is the Closing of the Bones Ritual? | Postpartum Treatment
What Is the Closing of the Bones Ritual? | Postpartum Treatment
The Closing of the Bones ceremony, also called the Bone Closing Ceremony, or simply Closing the Bones, is a multi-faceted traditional postpartum pract [ ... ]
What Are the Tasks of a Birth Doula?
What Are the Tasks of a Birth Doula?
Birth Doulas in the broader sense are Doulas who offer physical, emotional, informational, and educational birth support to pregnant women and their p [ ... ]
What Is a Full-Spectrum Doula?
What Is a Full-Spectrum Doula?
A Full-Spectrum Doula (sometimes also referred to as a Full-Spectrum Perinatal Doula) is a non-medical, professionally trained care worker that “ [ ... ]
End-of-Life Doula | Task and Profession in Hospice Care
End-of-Life Doula | Task and Profession in Hospice Care
An End-of-Life Doula or Hospice Doula, often synonymously called Death Doula or Death Midwife (the latter being a controversial term because of the as [ ... ]
Doula Organizations in the United States | Training, Certification, and Resources
Doula Organizations in the United States | Training, Certification, and Resources
In this post, you’ll find an overview of major, nationally operating doula organizations in the United States, of which some also operate intern [ ... ]