Walking | Simply Good for Health
Walking | Simply Good for Health
For most of us, walking is usually one of the easiest accessible activities, while serving a variety of goals. People walk to enjoy Nature and the out [ ... ]
Ecopsychology | Healing the Emotional Bond between Man and Earth
Ecopsychology | Healing the Emotional Bond between Man and Earth
Ecopsychology is a field of study and treatment approach that focuses on the synthesis of Ecology and Psychology, and the promotion of sustainability [ ... ]
Paddling |  Water Sports in Natural Environments
Paddling | Water Sports in Natural Environments
Paddling (or rowing) is a water sports activity that involves moving a watercraft (a canoe, kayak, raft, paddle board, little boat, and so on) with a [ ... ]
Rain Can Bring Physical and Mental Health Benefits
Rain Can Bring Physical and Mental Health Benefits
It doesn’t sound obvious at first, but walking in the rain can have some specific health benefits for people. I’m not talking about rain as a very [ ... ]
Living Off-The-Grid | Life without Public Utilities and Infrastructure
Living Off-The-Grid | Life without Public Utilities and Infrastructure
In a simple definition, Off-The-Grid Living (or Off-Grid Living) means having a lifestyle without the support of remote infrastructure and public util [ ... ]
Peloid Therapy | Using Mud, Clay, and Peat for Health Benefits
Peloid Therapy | Using Mud, Clay, and Peat for Health Benefits
Peloid is mud, clay, and/or peat harvested from lake, river, sea or volcanic environments (although sometimes also artificially cultivated), which is [ ... ]
Natural Aromatherapy in Forests | Health Benefits of Phytoncides
Natural Aromatherapy in Forests | Health Benefits of Phytoncides
Forest Bathing, that is, spending a leisurely trip in the forest for the quiet atmosphere, relaxation, beautiful scenery, and clean fresh air has beco [ ... ]
Green Exercise | Physical Exercise in Nature and its Benefits
Green Exercise | Physical Exercise in Nature and its Benefits
Green Exercise is a term used for physical exercise — basically any physical activity — carried out outdoors in natural environments (in N [ ... ]
Uitwaaien | Dutch Wind Therapy to Clear the Mind
Uitwaaien | Dutch Wind Therapy to Clear the Mind
Uitwaaien is a little known but common Dutch Wind Therapy, or perhaps better — an outdoor Dutch Wind Relaxation Activity. In fact, in the Nether [ ... ]
Bathing in Nature | Uses and Health Benefits
Bathing in Nature | Uses and Health Benefits
Bathing is of course a very vast topic, but in this post we’ll primarily look at bathing in relation to Nature. As a rule, bathing is defined as [ ... ]