Male Ejaculation and the Role of the Testes and Prostate
Male Ejaculation and the Role of the Testes and Prostate
Male ejaculation is the process of releasing semen through the penis, outside the body. It typically occurs on reaching a sexual orgasm, although it c [ ... ]
Blue Balls | What You Need to Know
Blue Balls | What You Need to Know
The term “Blue Balls” refers to a condition that can affect the testes, and is colloquial speech for epididymal hypertension. It’s thought that [ ... ]
Tantra and Preventing Premature Ejaculation | Approach and Techniques
Tantra and Preventing Premature Ejaculation | Approach and Techniques
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is also known as Early Ejaculation or Rapid Ejaculation, and is a rather common sexual issue among men affecting about twen [ ... ]
Bodysex® | Connecting to the Body, Self-Love, and Sexual Orgasms
Bodysex® | Connecting to the Body, Self-Love, and Sexual Orgasms
Bodysex® is a practice by and for women, originally designed by Betty Dodson. It aims at supporting women to connect to their bodies, their erogenous [ ... ]
What Is Orgasmic Mapping? | Aims and Techniques
What Is Orgasmic Mapping? | Aims and Techniques
The term Orgasmic Mapping is often used in the context of Yoni Orgasmic Mapping, which is in fact a specialization within Yoni Mapping, and an embodie [ ... ]
What Is Masturbation Coaching? | Goals, Techniques, and Benefits
What Is Masturbation Coaching? | Goals, Techniques, and Benefits
Masturbation coaching (or Masturbation training) — and in a more narrow sense also synonymized with Orgasm training or Orgasm masterclass — [ ... ]
Taoist Big Draw Explained | Transforming Sexual Energy
Taoist Big Draw Explained | Transforming Sexual Energy
The Big Draw in the Taoist Sexual Practices is used to “draw” or “push” aroused Sexual Energy through the Microcosmic Orbit an [ ... ]
Types of Yoni Orgasms – Sexual Pleasure for Women
Types of Yoni Orgasms – Sexual Pleasure for Women
Depending on how you exactly categorize (or classify), you can come up with many types of female orgasms. In this post, we aim at giving you an overvi [ ... ]
Types of Male Orgasms – An Overview
Types of Male Orgasms – An Overview
Men, like women, can experience several types of sexual orgasms. In this post, we describe the most commonly known. By the way, if you want to know mo [ ... ]
What is Squirting? – Female Ejaculation and Orgasm
What is Squirting? – Female Ejaculation and Orgasm
The official, scientific definition of Squirting is when a mix of urine and other fluids is expelled through the urethra during a Female Orgasm (or an [ ... ]