Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton
Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton
In Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga) you’ll find quite a range of quadriceps stretches (front upper thighs), as part of the various standing, seated, an [ ... ]
Thai Yoga Therapy | Reusi Dat Ton as a Healing Modality
Thai Yoga Therapy | Reusi Dat Ton as a Healing Modality
In the 1970s, Indian-derived Yoga Therapy started to emerge as a more specific form of Yoga as Exercise. While Yoga as Exercise is aimed at maintainin [ ... ]
Thai Self-Massage for the Feet and Legs
Thai Self-Massage for the Feet and Legs
In this post, I explain a Thai Self-Massage sequence I use to treat the legs and feet. The video you can watch further below is part of our Video Work [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton | Relief of Chest Pain at the Cardiac Region Caused by Abdominal Distension
Reusi Dat Ton | Relief of Chest Pain at the Cardiac Region Caused by Abdominal Distension
In this post, I’ll discuss Exercise No. 9 (see lead picture of this post) of Wat Pho’s 18 Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises. And yes, I ag [ ... ]
Thai Self Massage Treatment | Chest and Back Exercises
Thai Self Massage Treatment | Chest and Back Exercises
In this post, I explain the Thai Self Massage sequence I use to treat the chest and back. Thai Self Massage is part of Reusi Dat Ton practices. The vi [ ... ]
Thai Yoga Balance Exercises | Reusi Dat Ton
Thai Yoga Balance Exercises | Reusi Dat Ton
You may have noticed that you find quite some balance exercises in Reusi Dat Ton (Traditional Thai Yoga). Notably in the set of Wat Pho standing exerc [ ... ]
Is Reusi Dat Ton the Foundation of Thai Massage?
Is Reusi Dat Ton the Foundation of Thai Massage?
When you read about Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga Self Stretching and Self Massage), you will now and again notice that it’s stated that Reusi Dat To [ ... ]
Ruesi Datton | Performing Self Stretching Exercises
Ruesi Datton | Performing Self Stretching Exercises
Ruesi Datton Self Stretching exercises (Thai Yoga) are typically repeated two or three times, while holding the breath about three seconds in maximum [ ... ]
Breathwork and Rue-Si Datton | Thai Yoga Exercises
Breathwork and Rue-Si Datton | Thai Yoga Exercises
The way of practicing breathing while doing Reusi Dat Ton sequences is rather characteristic of the practice and of crucial importance to reap the ful [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton Murals, Statues, and other Depictions in Thailand
Reusi Dat Ton Murals, Statues, and other Depictions in Thailand
The Wat Pho temple in Bangkok is without doubt the most famous place in Thailand with reference to knowledge, drawings, murals, and statues of both Th [ ... ]