Rusie Datton and Therapeutic Applications | Thai Yoga
Rusie Datton and Therapeutic Applications | Thai Yoga
Today, it has become rather common to position Rusie Datton (i.e. Rue-Si Datton or Reusi Dat Ton) as a Thai Self-Care practice to stay fit, relieve st [ ... ]
Thai Dance and Reusi Datton Exercises
Thai Dance and Reusi Datton Exercises
When you watch a Thai Traditional Dance performance show you will notice that many moves and gestures resemble those found in Reusi Dat Ton. There’s [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton Self-Massage | Thai Hermit Yoga
Reusi Dat Ton Self-Massage | Thai Hermit Yoga
Reusi Dat Ton — also written Rusie Datton or Rue Sri Dat Ton — is predominantly known for its wide variety of self-stretches, Yoga-like po [ ... ]
Samut Thai Khao | The Ancient Reusi Dat Ton Manuscript
Samut Thai Khao | The Ancient Reusi Dat Ton Manuscript
Apart from the Rue-si Dat Ton statues that are placed in the Wat Pho temple garden, the Samut Thai Khao manuscript (also called the Rue-Si Datton Samu [ ... ]
Ruesi Datton Exercise Sets in Thailand | Thai Yoga
Ruesi Datton Exercise Sets in Thailand | Thai Yoga
Apart from the well-known Ruesi Datton exercise sets from Wat Pho — the 18 Self-Stretching exercises — and from ITTM — the 15 Contor [ ... ]
Ruesi Dat Ton | Exercise Time, Tools, and Place
Ruesi Dat Ton | Exercise Time, Tools, and Place
In this post we take a look at the best time, the tools, and the place (or location) to carry out Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga) exercises. Exercise Time I [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton | Warming-Up and Cooling-Down Exercises
Reusi Dat Ton | Warming-Up and Cooling-Down Exercises
Warming-up and cooling-down practices are important for any sports activity, and Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga Self-Stretching and Self-Massage) is no exce [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton | Precautions, Contraindications, and Recommendations
Reusi Dat Ton | Precautions, Contraindications, and Recommendations
Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga Self-Stretching and Self-Massage) boasts a variety of sitting, standing, and lying exercises, pose sequences, dynamic movemen [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton | Goals and Health Benefits
Reusi Dat Ton | Goals and Health Benefits
Reusi Dat Ton (Rusie Dutton, Rue-Si Datton), also called Thai Traditional Yoga (or Thai Yoga), is an ancient form of Thai self-stretching and self-mas [ ... ]
Thai Self-Massage for the Face | Reusi Datton
Thai Self-Massage for the Face | Reusi Datton
Thai Self-Massage is part of Reusi Datton (Thai Yoga) practices and is about healing care for oneself. In Thailand, there even exists an official prac [ ... ]