The Craze of Rusie Dutton in Japan
The Craze of Rusie Dutton in Japan
Japan, like Thailand, is a “massage country” and in the past two decades the number of Japanese tourists coming to Thailand has been growing signi [ ... ]
Reusi Datton Books, Videos, and DVDs | Thai Yoga
Reusi Datton Books, Videos, and DVDs | Thai Yoga
There are very few (hardcover) books, eBooks, video workshops or DVDs published with information about Reusi Dat Ton or with teachings of the various [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton | Styles and Applications in Thailand
Reusi Dat Ton | Styles and Applications in Thailand
The way Reusi Datton (Reusi Dat Ton) is practiced and taught in Thailand knows a variety of styles, and the practical applications attached to those s [ ... ]
Rue-Si Dat Ton Training at the Wat Pho Massage School | Thai Yoga
Rue-Si Dat Ton Training at the Wat Pho Massage School | Thai Yoga
Apart from being the best known Thai Massage School in the world, the Wat Pho Medical Massage School in Bangkok, Thailand, together with the Wat Pho t [ ... ]
Wat Pho’s 18 versus ITTM’s 15 Rue-Si Datton Exercises
Wat Pho’s 18 versus ITTM’s 15 Rue-Si Datton Exercises
Years ago, both the Wat Pho Medical Massage School and the Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine (ITTM) compiled a basic set of Rue-Si Datton exercis [ ... ]
Rusie Datton | Using Power and Building Strength with Thai Yoga
Rusie Datton | Using Power and Building Strength with Thai Yoga
One of the characteristics and goals of Rusie Datton (Thai Traditional Yoga) is that you also build up strength, that is, you don’t only become more [ ... ]
Basic 15 Contorted Hermit Exercises Explained | Thai Yoga
Basic 15 Contorted Hermit Exercises Explained | Thai Yoga
The set of 15 Basic Positions of the Contorted Hermit were developed by the Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine (ITTM), a department residing under [ ... ]
Rusie Datton Exercise | Relief of Chest and Waist Discomfort
Rusie Datton Exercise | Relief of Chest and Waist Discomfort
This Rusie Datton sequence contains 2 individual exercises (one done to left side of your body and one to the right side) and is one of the 18 Wat Po [ ... ]
Wat Pho 18 Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises | Thai Hermit Yoga
Wat Pho 18 Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises | Thai Hermit Yoga
The 18 Wat Pho Rue-Si Datton Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises (Thai Hermit’s Yoga) are part of a larger set of 80 exercises and compiled into a exe [ ... ]
Rue-Si Dat Ton Breathing Techniques | Traditional Thai Yoga
Rue-Si Dat Ton Breathing Techniques | Traditional Thai Yoga
When it comes to the way of breathing while doing Thai Yoga Reusi Dat Ton exercises (Rusie Datton or Rue-Si Datton), you’ll find a lot of varieties [ ... ]