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An overview of our articles about Self-Massage concepts, techniques, and treatment modalities.
Female Deer Exercise | Breast Massage and Pelvic Floor Exercises
The Female Deer Exercise is a Taoist Qigong (Chi Kung) women’s health exercise and the counterpart of the Male Deer Exercise. Its aim is to cult [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton Self-Massage | Thai Hermit Yoga
Reusi Dat Ton — also written Rusie Datton or Rue Sri Dat Ton — is predominantly known for its wide variety of self-stretches, Yoga-like po [ ... ]
Self Prostate Massage Guide | How to Do it Yourself
In this post, we take a look at how to safely carry out an internal and external Prostate Massage yourself. Please read the paragraph Precautions and [ ... ]
Tibetan Sowa Rigpa Self-Care Practices
Sowa Rigpa is the Traditional Medicine system of Tibet, which has kept much of its authenticity. The practices spread to Bhutan, Nepal, Ladakh, Sikkim [ ... ]
Taoist Male Deer Exercise | Pelvic Massage and Contraction
The Male Deer Exercise is a Taoist Qigong (Chi Kung) men’s health exercise and the counterpart of the Female Deer Exercise. The Deer exercise should [ ... ]
Traditional Asian Self-Healing and Self-Care Practices
Self-Care and Self-Healing practices in Asia, both in the past as in the present day, include a wide range of modalities such as herbal treatments, di [ ... ]
Tibetan Kum Nye Yoga and Massage | Self-Care and Self-Healing
Based on ancient Tibetan medical and spiritual knowledge and practices such as Tibetan Medical Tantras and Dzogchen, Kum Nye Self-Care and Self-Healin [ ... ]
Masturbation and Genital Self-Massage
Masturbation is about sexual stimulation of one’s own or someone else’s genitals for sexual pleasure, for instance as foreplay, as a means of [ ... ]
Self Fertility Massages | Self-Care and Healing
Self-Fertility massages are taught around the world and are Self-Massage treatments designed for women who are trying to get pregnant. Just like a Fer [ ... ]
Self Fertility Massage™ Therapy
Self Fertility Massage™ was developed by Hethir Rodriguez and is a series of massage techniques that are used to help support reproductive heal [ ... ]
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