Semen Retention – Aims and Benefits Explained | Coitus Reservatus
Semen Retention – Aims and Benefits Explained | Coitus Reservatus
Semen Retention or Coitus Reservatus, sometimes synonymized with Male Sexual Continence or Male Continence, is the practice of intentionally not ejacu [ ... ]
Brahmacharya, Celibacy, and Sexual Continence
Brahmacharya, Celibacy, and Sexual Continence
The phrase Brahmacharya (or Brahmacharyam) is a contraction of the two Indian Sanskrit words Brahma and Charya, meaning “one’s Self,” “the [ ... ]
Kapalabhati Breathing Technique, Tantra, and Ejaculatory Control | Breath of Fire
Kapalabhati Breathing Technique, Tantra, and Ejaculatory Control | Breath of Fire
Kapalabhati breathing (also written Kapalbhati), synonymously called the Breath of Fire exercise, is one of the Shatkarmas, the latter being a set of [ ... ]
Karezza, Semen Retention, and Sexual Continence
Karezza, Semen Retention, and Sexual Continence
The Karezza Method refers to the practice of coitus reservatus, most notably in the sense of semen retention, focused on a blissful sexual-spiritual u [ ... ]
Ejaculation Control in Taoism | cai Yin pu Yang
Ejaculation Control in Taoism | cai Yin pu Yang
The ability to control ejaculation (coitus reservatus) is one of the key tenants in the ancient Taoist Sexual Practices (Tao Fang Zhong Shu). The idea [ ... ]
Orgasm Control and Edging | Tantric and Taoist Perspective
Orgasm Control and Edging | Tantric and Taoist Perspective
Orgasm Control and Edging have become almost synonymous phrases nowadays, but from out Tantric and Taoist perspectives there’s quite a difference. B [ ... ]