Yoni Mapping and Regaining Sexual Pleasure
Yoni Mapping and Regaining Sexual Pleasure
Living with trauma and continuous emotional distress make life an unsatisfactory and unpleasant experience. Thus, helping people to heal from trauma a [ ... ]
Surrogate Partner Therapy – What Is Sexual Surrogacy?
Surrogate Partner Therapy – What Is Sexual Surrogacy?
In Surrogate Partner Therapy — also called Sexual Surrogacy — three persons work together: a therapist, a surrogate partner, and a client. [ ... ]
Delayed Ejaculation | Causes and Symptoms
Delayed Ejaculation | Causes and Symptoms
Delayed ejaculation (or impaired ejaculation) in men is a temporary or lifelong condition in which it takes a prolonged period of sexual arousal and s [ ... ]
Ejaculatory Control in Men | Practical, Sexual, and Spiritual Goals
Ejaculatory Control in Men | Practical, Sexual, and Spiritual Goals
When we think of ejaculatory control (or ejaculation control) in males, it’s mostly associated with a man’s conscious ability to not ejaculate or [ ... ]
Low Self-Esteem and Sexual Dysfunction
Low Self-Esteem and Sexual Dysfunction
Low self-esteem can have many specific underlying reasons, but it’s primarily caused by not being able (or wanting) to comply with the values and mo [ ... ]
Massage, Bodywork, and Treating Sexual Disorders and Dysfunctions
Massage, Bodywork, and Treating Sexual Disorders and Dysfunctions
Massage and bodywork therapies can or may be able to alleviate or heal a broad range of sexual disorders and dysfunctions, sometimes directly, but in [ ... ]
Odynorgasmia – Painful Ejaculation in Men
Odynorgasmia – Painful Ejaculation in Men
Odynorgasmia or painful ejaculation, also called dysejaculation, dysorgasmia, and orgasmalgia, is a physical condition that involves mild discomfort t [ ... ]
Azoospermia | Blockage of Sperm Cells
Azoospermia | Blockage of Sperm Cells
Azoospermia is a health condition in men in which there are no sperm cells in ejaculated semen. In humans, azoospermia affects about one percent of th [ ... ]
Testicular Pains | Types, Causes, and Treatment Options
Testicular Pains | Types, Causes, and Treatment Options
Testicular pains, also called scrotal pains, can have various causes, and may affect one or both testes and/or the scrotum. Pains may be sudden and go [ ... ]
Vaginal Dryness | Symptoms, Cause, and Treatments
Vaginal Dryness | Symptoms, Cause, and Treatments
Vaginal dryness is the condition where naturally produced fluid that lubricates the vagina is insufficient. Natural vaginal lubricant is produced by p [ ... ]