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Somatic Therapy
De-Armoring | Releasing Body-Trapped Emotions and Trauma
Perhaps the most important goal of Body De-Armoring (in British English: Body De-Armouring) is to support people in coming to emotional and trauma rel [ ... ]
De-Armoring | Difference between Body, Muscular, and Emotional De-Armoring
The current practice of De-Armoring as developed by the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich is often synonymously referred to as Body De-Armoring, Muscular De [ ... ]
Body De-Armoring | Organs, Body Parts, and Emotions
On physical level, a person’s Body Armor usually expresses itself in relation to muscles, connective tissue, organs, and certain breathing, hold [ ... ]
The Role of Touch in De-Armoring Treatments
Touch usually plays an important role in Body De-Armoring (commonly written as Body Dearmouring), but it depends very much on the specific De-Armoring [ ... ]
Body De-Armoring through Mindfulness Techniques
The use of mindfulness techniques is without doubt one of the most important tools within Body De-Armoring and other somatic practices. Considering th [ ... ]
De-Armoring | Aftercare, Shadow Work, and Integration
Aftercare, Shadow Work, and the Integration of insights and experiences are essential activities in relation to Body De-Armoring (also called Somatic [ ... ]
Pelvic Floor De-Armoring for Trauma Release and a Healthy Sex Life
The pelvic floor is composed of muscle fibers and fascia (connective tissue) which cover the area underneath the pelvis. It separates the pelvic cavit [ ... ]
Reichian Therapy | Muscular De-Armoring, Somatics, and Talk Therapy
Reichian Therapy is a common denominator (i.e. umbrella term) for a range of therapeutic treatment modalities that were developed or predominantly ins [ ... ]
Gaia Method | Multidisciplinary De-Armoring Therapeutic Treatment Modality
The Gaia Method is a holistic body-oriented treatment modality developed by Susanne Roursgaard that works with soft De-Armoring, energy work, breath, [ ... ]
De-Armoring and the Use of Convulsions | Somatic Therapy
Convulsions — usually associated with epileptic seizures — are conditions in which muscles continue to rapidly contract and relax quickly, [ ... ]
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