Online Zazen Meditation Classes and Courses in Philadelphia
Online Zazen Meditation Classes and Courses in Philadelphia
Zen Meditation, also called Zazen Meditation or Sitting Meditation is a popular Buddhist meditation practice, which in this particular form arose in J [ ... ]
Zazen Meditation Training and Retreats in Cleveland | Ohio
Zazen Meditation Training and Retreats in Cleveland | Ohio
Zazen Meditation (Sitting Meditation) is a mindful Buddhist meditation modality and practice. Although meditation in general supports stress and anxie [ ... ]
Zen Meditation Centers and Courses in Detroit | Online and In-Person
Zen Meditation Centers and Courses in Detroit | Online and In-Person
Zen or Zazen Meditation (Sitting Meditation) is a Buddhist meditation practice. The ultimate goal of Zen is to come to insight into our own undivided [ ... ]
Zazen Meditation in Chicago | Online and In-Person Zen Training
Zazen Meditation in Chicago | Online and In-Person Zen Training
Zazen Meditation, also called Seated Meditation, is a meditative practice within the Zen Buddhist tradition. The ultimate goal of Zazen is to come to [ ... ]
Kinhin | Buddhist Walking Meditation
Kinhin | Buddhist Walking Meditation
Within Zen Buddhism — particularly in connection with Zazen Meditation — Kinhin or Walking Meditation is either a practice done as the cou [ ... ]
Zhan Zhuang | Chinese Standing Meditation
Zhan Zhuang | Chinese Standing Meditation
Zhan Zhuang is a standing meditative training method often practiced within the Chinese internal martial arts. The roots of the practice are thought t [ ... ]
Taoist Neigong Practices | Meditation and Martial Arts
Taoist Neigong Practices | Meditation and Martial Arts
Taoist Neigong, also called Nei Kung or Neigung, is a general name for a variety of Taoist-Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practices assoc [ ... ]
Tantric Meditation, Kundalini Energy, and Spiritual Enlightenment
Tantric Meditation, Kundalini Energy, and Spiritual Enlightenment
Although meditation is usually considered a pure mental or spiritual practice, it’s often accompanied by embodied, somatic practices. In fact, i [ ... ]
Thai Temples and Thai Traditional Massage | The Buddhist Wat
Thai Temples and Thai Traditional Massage | The Buddhist Wat
The Buddhist Wat (“Wat” is the Thai word for “temple” derived from the Indian Sanskrit “Vata,” meaning “encl [ ... ]
Buddhist Metta Meditation and Traditional Thai Massage
Buddhist Metta Meditation and Traditional Thai Massage
When learning Thai Massage, especially when we take training courses in Thailand, we’ll usually get in touch with the concept of Metta. Metta, l [ ... ]