Osho, Tantra, and Sacred Sexuality | Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Osho, Tantra, and Sacred Sexuality | Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931 – 1990), later better known as Osho, was a controversial Indian guru and mystic, and the founder of the Rajneesh moveme [ ... ]
U.G. Krishnamurti | Some Stroke of Luck
U.G. Krishnamurti | Some Stroke of Luck
A rare recording from U.G. Krishnamurti taken shortly after what he has named his “calamity”. The original monologue is called UG Musing About Eff [ ... ]
Functional Life, Usefulness, and Uselessness
Functional Life, Usefulness, and Uselessness
Exerting useful tasks and having useful functions, attributing in a “constructive and productive” manner to the societies we live in has become th [ ... ]
Turiya | Fourth State of Consciousness
Turiya | Fourth State of Consciousness
In traditional Vedanta philosophy it’s thought that human beings can experience four states of consciousness: the dream state, the dreamless sle [ ... ]
Realms of Life, Boundaries, and Inner Freedom
Realms of Life, Boundaries, and Inner Freedom
It’s an interesting phenomenon that our attention can suddenly reveal things that were hidden and non-existing to us earlier, things that become our [ ... ]
Yoga and Lifestyle | Ethical and Spiritual Development
Yoga and Lifestyle | Ethical and Spiritual Development
Traditionally, Yoga in India was foremost a lifestyle, a way of life, one that aimed at a balanced, ethical and spiritual personal development, and fi [ ... ]
Pratyahara | Yoga and Withdrawal of the Senses
Pratyahara | Yoga and Withdrawal of the Senses
Pratyahara, or Withdrawal of the Senses, is the fifth step in classical Ashtanga Yoga (Sutras of Patanjali). This step (technique or limb) in Patanjal [ ... ]
Dharana in Yoga | Single-Pointed Concentration
Dharana in Yoga | Single-Pointed Concentration
Dharana in Yoga is about mastering single-pointed concentration, and the sixth step of the Yogic practice as described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. I [ ... ]
Dhyana | Indian Spiritual and Yoga Meditation Practice
Dhyana | Indian Spiritual and Yoga Meditation Practice
Dhyana is an Indian Sanskrit (and Pali) term for what today is called meditation, but depending on the sources, religion, spiritual tradition, and/or [ ... ]
Integral Yoga by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother | Supramental Yoga
Integral Yoga by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother | Supramental Yoga
Integral Yoga, also known as Supramental Yoga, is a Yoga system conceptualized by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), the founders of Aurovi [ ... ]