Jiddu Krishnamurti | Choiceless Awareness and Total Attentiveness
Jiddu Krishnamurti | Choiceless Awareness and Total Attentiveness
In the context of Enlightenment and Self-Realization, the spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) often talked about this thing he calls Choi [ ... ]
Sudden and Gradual Enlightenment | Differences and Similarities
Sudden and Gradual Enlightenment | Differences and Similarities
There are two very distinct traditions and subsequently distinct methods and techniques of how to “reach” Self-Realization or Enlightenmen [ ... ]
Sahaja Yoga | Meditation and Self-Realization
Sahaja Yoga | Meditation and Self-Realization
Sahaja Yoga is a movement, sometimes considered a religion or a cult, founded in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923 – 2011). The word ‘Sah [ ... ]
Ramesh Balsekar and the Final Concept | Advaita Vedanta
Ramesh Balsekar and the Final Concept | Advaita Vedanta
Ramesh Balsekar, an Advaita Vedanta teacher and former disciple of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, repeatedly claimed that: “Living means, from moment [ ... ]
Zen Buddhism | Origins and Concepts
Zen Buddhism | Origins and Concepts
Zen Buddhism is the Japanese version of Chinese Chan Buddhism, the latter being a lineage of Mahayana Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism is one of the two ma [ ... ]
Phenomenological Views, Existentialism, and Advaita Vedanta
Phenomenological Views, Existentialism, and Advaita Vedanta
Phenomenology is a philosophical lineage of which in the former century the philosophers Husserl, Heidegger, and Sartre were the major spokesmen. They [ ... ]
Huang Po and the Transmission of Mind | Obaku
Huang Po and the Transmission of Mind | Obaku
Huang Po — also known as Huangbo or Ōbaku — was a Buddhist teacher, an exponent of Chan or Zen Buddhism, living in the 9th century in Chi [ ... ]
Rinzai Zen Buddhism | Japanese Zazen School
Rinzai Zen Buddhism | Japanese Zazen School
Myoan Eisai (Yosai), a Japanese Buddhist priest (1141 – 1215), founded Zen Buddhism in Japan, through what today is called the Rinzai School (the Ja [ ... ]
U.G. Krishnamurti | Radical Anti-Guru
U.G. Krishnamurti | Radical Anti-Guru
Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (1918–2007), affectionately known as U.G., has always claimed not to be a Guru or spiritual teacher, and moreover, that [ ... ]
Advaita Vedanta | Jnana Yoga Royal Path
Advaita Vedanta | Jnana Yoga Royal Path
Advaita (A-dvaita), a Sanskrit word for not-two or non-dual, is an influential Indian monistic Spiritual Enlightenment philosophy, part of the Vedanta [ ... ]