Do You Need a Guru?
Do You Need a Guru?
The need of having a spiritual teacher is one of the big questions within Advaita Vedanta. So, to attain Spiritual Enlightenment, do you really need a [ ... ]
Ishvara and Saguna Brahman
Ishvara and Saguna Brahman
Ishvara — also written as Ishwara — can have a wide range of interpretations in Hinduism depending on the religious or philosophical linea [ ... ]
Hinduism and the Absolute as the Uncaused Cause
Hinduism and the Absolute as the Uncaused Cause
The idea of the Absolute is present in all spiritual and philosophical traditions of India, although often widely differently interpreted. As a genera [ ... ]
What Is Vedanta?
What Is Vedanta?
Vedanta is a lineage of Hindu philosophy and part of the greater realm of Hinduism. The Sanskrit word “Vedanta,” which is a conjunction of the two [ ... ]
Hinduism | India’s Spiritual Tradition
Hinduism | India’s Spiritual Tradition
Hinduism —in India also called Sanatana Dharma — developed in many directions over the past 5,000 years and is the principal religion, spi [ ... ]
Meditation Music – Aims, Use, and Health Benefits
Meditation Music – Aims, Use, and Health Benefits
Simply said, Meditation Music is music that aids or accompanies the practice of meditation, or is alternatively used to meditate on. It may have a spe [ ... ]
Churches, Temples, Silence and Sounds
Churches, Temples, Silence and Sounds
Churches, temples, and in a more general sense the inner domains of sacred places are usually territories marked by silence. These are typically devot [ ... ]
How to Find an Advaita Guru?
How to Find an Advaita Guru?
One of the questions that arises for a person who’s interested in Advaita Vedanta is how to find the right teacher or Guru. Certainly today you’ll [ ... ]
The Jnani According to Advaita Vedanta
The Jnani According to Advaita Vedanta
What exactly the characteristics are of the Jnani — the spiritual enlightened one — is a question often asked by Advaita Vedanta aspirants [ ... ]
Dvaita Vedanta | Dualism in the Vedanta Tradition
Dvaita Vedanta | Dualism in the Vedanta Tradition
Dvaita Vedanta is a religious and philosophical school in the Vedanta tradition and was founded in the 13th century CE. Dvaita is a Sanskrit word that [ ... ]