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Tantra and Neo-Tantra
An overview of our articles about Tantra and Neo-Tantra concepts and practices.
Yoni Mapping and the Function of Breast Massage
In this article, we’ll discuss what the role is of giving Breast Massage within a Yoni Mapping session. But first this: Breast Massage for women [ ... ]
How to Choose Your Yoni Mapping Therapist?
Yoni Mapping is intimate and emotional work, and choosing the right therapist is of great importance to avoid traumatic experiences on one side and to [ ... ]
Womanhood versus Motherhood | Is There a Difference?
Womanhood versus motherhood is an interesting topic because there’s so much to say there. But first this: no one is born either into womanhood n [ ... ]
Yoni Mapping – Health Benefits Overview
Yoni Mapping, also called Vaginal Mapping, Vulva Mapping, or Vulva-Vaginal Mapping, is part of the Genital Mapping paradigm and an exploration and dis [ ... ]
What Is Body Worship?
Body worship is perhaps best known as an act of physically revering, honoring, or worshiping a specific body part of another person (although it may a [ ... ]
Linga Mudra | Shiva Linga Mudra Techniques and Health Benefits
The Linga Mudra is an exercise in Yoga, and named after the Linga (Lingam or Lingham). Or perhaps more accurately — it’s named after the H [ ... ]
Tantra Chair – What Is it about?
The Tantra Chair is another interesting development in the Tantric realm. In fact, one could say it has totally nothing to do with Tantra at all, but [ ... ]
Yoni Sunning – Health Benefits and Risks Explained
The practice of Yoni Sunning is a type of Genital Sunning — or “Genital Sunbathing,” if you like — and simply means exposing t [ ... ]
What Is Lingam Steaming – Aim, Techniques, and Health Benefits
Lingam Steaming is a herbal steam bath for the male genitals. It could be considered the male version of Yoni Steaming, the latter also known as Vagin [ ... ]
Lingam Mapping | Goals, Techniques, and Health Benefits
Lingam Mapping is part of the Genital Mapping paradigm and is a navigation and discovery of the penis and related organs and body parts in order to fi [ ... ]
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