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Tantra and Neo-Tantra
An overview of our articles about Tantra and Neo-Tantra concepts and practices.
Penis Massage versus Lingam Massage | Is There a Difference?
Tantric Lingam Massage is often equated with Penis Massage (or Penile Massage), and although there are a few similarities between the one or the other [ ... ]
Third Eye in Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra, Thai Massage, and TCM
In this article, we’ll explore the so-called “Third Eye” as both a spiritual concept and a physical acupressure point such as known [ ... ]
Tantric Bodywork and Tantric Massage | What’s the Difference?
When you look around on the Internet at the hands-on treatment offerings of Tantra practitioners you may notice that some offer Tantric Bodywork servi [ ... ]
Yoni Massage versus Yoni De-Armoring | What’s the Difference?
Yoni Massage and Yoni De-Armoring both emerged within the Neo-Tantra and Somatic Sex Therapy domain and have several characteristics in common, but al [ ... ]
Risks of Sacred Sexuality and Tantric Sex Training Courses and Retreats
In times in which many people miss genuine communion and honest relationships, in which individualism and egotism have become the rule, and people oft [ ... ]
Tantra and Tantric Massage in View of Masculine and Feminine Energy
With regard to Tantra you’ll often find that Tantric practitioners and therapists champion the divine union of masculine energies and feminine e [ ... ]
Lingam Massage and Tantra Massage – What Is the Difference?
When a massage is positioned as Lingam Massage — sometimes also called Vajra Healing — it would typically involve a Tantric Lingam Massage [ ... ]
Lingam Massage and Vajra Healing – What’s the Difference?
In this post, we’ll take a look at the use, meaning, difference, and similarity of the terms Lingam (Linga, Shiva Linga, or Lingham) and Vajra i [ ... ]
Life Force, Sexual Energy, Creative Potential, and Divine Union
Vital Life Force — also called Vital Force, Vital Energy, or Vital Life Energy — is a notion in the theory of Vitalism that involves the i [ ... ]
Tantric De-Armoring | Aims, Techniques, and Health Benefits
Body De-Armoring through Tantric practices is a popular way of emotional, trauma, and sexual healing, and in this post we discuss what is involved and [ ... ]
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