Orgasm and Ejaculation Control in Tantra and Taoism
Orgasm and Ejaculation Control in Tantra and Taoism
Orgasm Control considered from out a Tantric and Taoist perspective (both philosophies maintain the same concept about it), is practiced in order to s [ ... ]
Foreplay, Tantra, and Premature Ejaculation
Foreplay, Tantra, and Premature Ejaculation
Foreplay in sex consists of a broad range of intimate activities between sexual partners with the goal of sexual arousal and/or increasing pleasure an [ ... ]
Amrita and Life Energy | Nectar of the Gods
Amrita and Life Energy | Nectar of the Gods
Amrita (or Amritam) is an ancient Indian concept that has different meanings depending on the context. It’s a Sanskrit word usually translated a [ ... ]
Tantra Massage | Type, Styles, and Lineages
Tantra Massage | Type, Styles, and Lineages
The label Tantra Massage is an umbrella term for massages that are based on Tantric concepts. In fact, there are many different types of Tantric massa [ ... ]
Tantra, Semen Retention, and Ejaculatory Control
Tantra, Semen Retention, and Ejaculatory Control
Semen Retention is an important topic within Tantra and Tantric Sex, and primarily aims at retaining, cultivating, and increasing sexual energy for me [ ... ]
Tantric Practices and Training | Role of the Guru
Tantric Practices and Training | Role of the Guru
The Guru (teacher or master) in ancient Tantric traditions and lineages played an important role. Moreover, it was generally thought that nobody could [ ... ]
Brahmacharya, Celibacy, and Sexual Continence
Brahmacharya, Celibacy, and Sexual Continence
The phrase Brahmacharya (or Brahmacharyam) is a contraction of the two Indian Sanskrit words Brahma and Charya, meaning “one’s Self,” “the [ ... ]
Karezza, Semen Retention, and Sexual Continence
Karezza, Semen Retention, and Sexual Continence
The Karezza Method refers to the practice of coitus reservatus, most notably in the sense of semen retention, focused on a blissful sexual-spiritual u [ ... ]
Tantra as Conscious and Mindful Sex
Tantra as Conscious and Mindful Sex
Perhaps one of the most defining characteristics of Tantric Sex is the way lovemaking — either with a partner, partners, or with yourself — [ ... ]
Tantric Sex and Full-Body Orgasms Explained
Tantric Sex and Full-Body Orgasms Explained
Tantric Full Body Orgasms are usually associated with internal (non-ejaculatory), energetic orgasms that extend across the entire body, instead of onl [ ... ]