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Our articles about Yoga, India’s ancient physical, mental, and spiritual exercise practices.
10 or 14 Main Nadis | Why the Difference?
When you try to find information about the total number of major Yoga Nadis, that is, about the number of most important Prana Energy Channels address [ ... ]
Yogic Body and its Constituents | Historical Development and Interpretation
An important consideration we need to make when it comes to the current conception of the Yogic body is that the number and functional meaning of the [ ... ]
Nadis and the Nervous System | Yoga Energy Channels, ANS, and CNS
There’s a certain conception within parts of the Yoga community that the Yoga Nadi Energy Channels are in fact an ancient description of (or equ [ ... ]
Meaning of the Name of Ida Nadi | Chandra Nadi
In this post, we’re not going to look at the function, trajectory or location of Ida Nadi in the body, but rather at the definition, interpretat [ ... ]
Bindu | Meaning in Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda
The word Bindu has its origin in the ancient Sanskrit language. It can mean a variety of things, such as point, midpoint, center, drop, drop of energy [ ... ]
Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi in Relation to Spiritual Awakening
In Yogic circles, the three principal Nadis Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi — the Trividha Nadis — are often referred to in relation to one [ ... ]
Yoga Nadis | Starting from the Heart or Navel?
One of the questions with respect to the starting location of the Nadis — the Prana Energy Channels in Yoga — is if they start from/in the [ ... ]
Sip Sen Energy Lines versus Yoga Nadis | Similarity and Difference
When you compare the Thai Sib Sen Energy Lines and the principal Indian Yoga Nadis you can only come to the conclusion that they have much in common. [ ... ]
Sanskrit and Classical Yoga Texts in View of the Nadis
Sanskrit is the ancient Indo-European language of India, a language in which the classical Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain scriptures and epic poems are wri [ ... ]
Yoga Nadi Pairs | Supplementary, Complementary, and Opposite Nadis
When you look at the fourteen major Nadis, you will notice that several of them are considered to be pairs, typically being regarded as supplementary, [ ... ]
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