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Our articles about Yoga, India’s ancient physical, mental, and spiritual exercise practices.
Alambusha Nadi | Location, Trajectory, and Chart
Alambusha Nadi is one of the 14 major Nadis in Yoga, and is also written as Alambusa, Alamboosa, or Alampusa Nadi. Most classical sources that discuss [ ... ]
Nadi Therapy | Cleansing, Opening, and Activating the Nadis
In relation to working with the Yoga Nadis, you’ll often find instructions, exercises, and other practices that intend to cleanse, open, activate, p [ ... ]
Inside Sushumna – Vajra, Chitrini, and Brahma Nadi
There’s a widespread belief that Sushumna Nadi (also called Susumna Nadi) is actually composed of three inner Nadis: Vajra Nadi, Chitrini Nadi and B [ ... ]
Pusha Nadi | Chart, Trajectory, and Function
Pusha Nadi is one of the fourteen principal Nadis in Yoga, and also known as Pusa, Poosa, Poosaa, or Pushaa Nadi. In general, the classical Yoga sourc [ ... ]
Yashaswini Nadi | Location, Pathway, and Function
Yashaswini Nadi, one of the fourteen major Yoga Nadis, is also referenced as Yajasvini, Yasasvini, Yashaswani, Yasaswani, Yashasvina, Yashovati, Yasha [ ... ]
Pingala Nadi – Location, Trajectory, and Ending Point
Pingala Nadi, also known as Surya Nadi (Sun Channel or Solar Channel), is the Prana Energy Channel located at the right side of Sushumna Nadi, and is [ ... ]
Prana Vayus | The Five Winds
Prana Life Force Energy, which travels through the Nadis, is thought to be divided into five distinct types or Five Vayus (Five Winds), each having di [ ... ]
Hastijihva Nadi – Location, Endpoints, and Function
Hastijihva Nadi is known as one of the fourteen fundamental Nadis, the fourteen main Prana Energy Channels in Yoga. It’s name is also written as [ ... ]
Nadis and the Navel | The Kanda Starting Point
Although some ancient sources and charts claim that the Yoga Nadis “radiate from out the heart region,” it’s more common that it’s men [ ... ]
What Are the Nadis Made of?
If the Yoga Nadis are invisible but still actually exist, what are they made of and what do they look like? That’s a question that naturally arises [ ... ]
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