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Jongrak Massage School
Added to Database: Nov 13, 2017 | Revised: Jan 12, 2025
At Jongrak's, specialized in Lanna Folk Healing, private Thai Massage study is possible, and groups don't exceed 4 students. The massage school also offers in-depth Thai Traditional Medicine college studies: Thai Pharmacy, Thai Midwifery, Thai medical practice, and Thai Massage. On-site/in-house accommodation optional.
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Places Served
Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Thai Ched Hak (Thai Detox)
- Thai Fire Therapy (Yam Khang)
- Thai Foot Massage & Reflexology
- Thai Herbal Compress Massage
- Thai Herbal Packs, Herbs & Preparation
- Thai Massage (Nuad Thai)
- Thai Medical Practice (Thai Medicine)
- Thai Midwifery (Moh Tum Yae)
- Thai Oil Massage & Aromatherapy
- Thai Pharmacy
- Thai Postpartum Treatments
- Thai Tok Sen
- Thai Traditional Medicine Assistant
- Thai Uterus Massage (Yok Thong)
- Thai Womb Lifting
- Thai Yoga (Reusi Dat Ton)
What is Thai Foot Massage & Reflexology?
What is Thai Massage?
What is Thai Oil Massage & Aromatherapy?
What is Thai Yoga (Reusi Dat Ton)?
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