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Thai Oasis Spa & School
Date Updated: May 19, 2024
Oasis Spa is a group of Spas with branches in Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya, and Bangkok. Education is fundamental for Oasis Spa. They offer a wealth of Thai, other Asian, and Western spa, beauty and bodywork training courses and programs. The academy is located in Chiang Mai.
Oasis Spa also offers mobile massage services - If you prefer to get a massage in the comfort and safety of your home, try out RLAX, which delivers a spa-quality massage right to your doorstep.
Oasis Spa also offers mobile massage services - If you prefer to get a massage in the comfort and safety of your home, try out RLAX, which delivers a spa-quality massage right to your doorstep.
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Places Served
Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Thai Facial Massage
- Thai Foot Massage & Reflexology
- Thai Head, Neck & Shoulder Massage
- Thai Herbal Compress Massage
- Thai Massage (Nuad Thai)
- Thai Massage For Pregnancy & Afterbirth
- Thai Medical Practice (Thai Medicine)
- Thai Oil Massage & Aromatherapy
- Thai Postpartum Treatments
- Thai Sen Energy Lines
- Thai Spa Management & Consultancy
- Thai Yoga (Reusi Dat Ton)
What is Thai Foot Massage & Reflexology?
What is Thai Massage?
What is Thai Oil Massage & Aromatherapy?
What is Thai Yoga (Reusi Dat Ton)?
- Ayurvedic Abhyanga
- Crystal Stone Massage
- Facial Treatments & Massage
- Foot & Hand Treatments
- Head Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Hydrotherapy Treatments
- Slimming Massage
- Spa Scrub, Wrap or Mask Treatments
- Swedish Massage
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