Reiki Training Courses and Treatments in Chiang Mai

 Date Updated: Jan 20, 2025

Reiki Training Courses and Treatments in Chiang Mai

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Reiki is a well-known form of alternative medicine developed in Japan in 1922 by Dr. Usui.

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Today, Reiki healing has been adapted into a range of cultural traditions across the globe. Reiki practitioners use palm-healing or hands-on healing through which Universal Energy is said to be transferred to the receiver with the aim to support spiritual, emotional and/or physical healing.

Apart from being the Mecca of Traditional Thai Massage, Chiang Mai in Thailand is the place for treatments and training in alternative and complementary healing modalities. In this article we’ll take a look at what Chiang Mai has to offer when it comes to Reiki sessions and training courses.

Reiki training is usually offered in 4 levels: Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 (self-healing, healing others, and advanced training), Reiki Master training and Reiki Teacher Training courses.

Asian Healing Arts Center

Already 25 years, the Asian Healing Arts Center offers Aromatherapy training (including how to produce essential oils), Asian Bio-Energetics treatments and training, and Reiki classes and sessions (Level 1 up to Reiki Level 4).

Body and Mind Healing School

The Body and Mind Healing School offers Reiki training courses and Reiki healing sessions. The school offers three Reiki training levels, where Reiki 3 is a follow up from Reiki Level 2, the prerequisite being having learned Level 1 and 2 plus completed the school’s 7 weeks Chi Kung training.


LannaYoga is founded and operated by Guy Harriman. Guy offers a variety of Energy Healing Classes and Treatment Services. As for Reiki he offers Levels 1, 2, and 3 (Master) training courses.

Reiki Chiang Mai

Reiki Chiang Mai, founded and run by Nicholas Harris, offers 4 levels of Reiki training. Additionally, he also offer Reiki treatment sessions.

Reiki Chiang Mai Thailand

Reiki in Chiang Mai, run by Koko San, gives reiki sessions and Reiki Courses on all Levels using Reiki and Asian Bio Energetics Therapy (ABET).

Reiki Energy Massage

The Reiki Energy Massage center offers intensive Reiki training programs and is associated with the Asian Healing Arts Center.

Reiki Healing Chiang Mai

Master Tom offers Reiki Healing sessions and Personal Energy Training courses.

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